Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Downside Of Energy Drinks For Getting Toned Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Energy drinks pack a powerful punch and they can help you get through the dieting lows when trying to get toned arms. However, chronic consumption of said drinks has its consequences.

Unfortunately, energy drinks are extremely seductive. They can curb hunger when you're trying to lose weight, they can help you overcome a massive sleep debt and they can put you in a good mood.

But here is why you should think twice about taking energy drinks to help you get rid of arm flab:

1. Worsened digestion. Caffeine, the main ingredient in energy drinks, can wreak havoc on your digestive system. When taking in excess, it can compromise your digestive lining.

2. The covering up of poor sleep habits. Even though you may not feel the consequences of sleep loss because of the energizing drink, your body definitely feels it. And sleep loss is toned arms enemy number one.

3. Unconscious sleep sabotage. When you fall asleep, you'll reawake at least 10 times. But the awakenings are so brief and light that you don't remember any of them. Too much bottled energy during the day can increase said awakenings. The end result? Poorer sleep without you being aware of the cause.

4. Aging. Although many factors affect how fast you age, chronically loading up on tons of caffeine can accelerate the process. Especially if the caffeine is being used to compensate for a poor diet and poor sleep patterns.

5. Low grade dehydration. Caffeine can mask many things. In this case, it can simultaneously mask and increase dehydration. Not a good combination for getting rid of arm flab. After all, hydration does effect metabolism and recovery from workouts. Moreover, it has a strong effect on your mood.

Energy drinks aren't all evil. They can do a great job at getting you out of a bind. The main issue is taking them on a regular basis to compensate for something else that is lacking in your daily routine. So use them in moderation when trying to get rid of arm flab. - 17269

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