Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Effective Bodybuilding Routines

By Wakelin Smith

Any newbie who seeks to get into bodybuilding needs to understand that it is not a hit and miss affair. It requires the right determination to do effective bodybuilding routines. Together with the determination to carry out the right workout, the proper way of doing them will surely result in building muscle mass.

Any bodybuilder, either a beginner or a professional, must learn to keep his weight training routine among his important priorities. With this, he must keep in mind that any desired muscle mass buildup only comes as a result of determination and patience. Desired results from weight training do not happen overnight. He must learn to stick with a program to gain the muscle size and strength he wants.

Also, efficiency is important in an effective workout. Keeping this in mind, he must develop an efficient workout program that trains all the muscle groups as well as develop strength. To be able to do an efficient body workout, a weight lifter does not have to spend 3 hours a day in the gym to build muscle mass. In fact, that much time spent inside the gym while exerting the muscles will likely result in overtraining. Look at it this way, if a weight trainer keeps his weight training workouts under an hour and a half (or better yet, and hour) yet performs them 3 or 4 times a week then his body will get sufficient rest to grow his muscles bigger and stronger.

There are a few tips for a proper bodybuilding routines. One, they must be kept short. This means that it should be between 45 to 75 minutes maximum while the best should be 60 minutes being best. The reason for this is simple. Training more than 75 minutes will prevent the body from gaining muscle and losing fat fast! Also, this long training will also prevent the body from a fast recovery. This is one occasion when more is not necessarily better for huge bodybuilding gains.

Two, rest in between sets should be kept to a minimum and the ideal is 90 seconds or less. This does not only help the bodyperform a lot of work and still finish within the 75 minutes, but it also helps improve the cardiovascular system. Also, this kind of training stimulates growth hormones output the most.

Third, the sets should be between 8 - 15 repetitions for muscle mass gains and 15-25 repetitions for body sculpting purposes. This range of reps is supported by some reasons.

The best blood pump into the muscle cells within these repetition ranges. Considering that nutrients that nourish the muscle cells are pumped along with the blood come nutrients and that this blodd pump help them recover and rebuild bigger faster, then this rep range is very important. To add, there is less probability of injury since the body will be using a weight that it can control. Also, it has been shown in studies that muscle building and fat burning occur best at these repetition ranges.

Lastly, a weight trainer ahs to keep his training varied and cycled. It is not wise to get stuck with the same routine because this results in zero muscle growth. Therefore, proper bodybuilding routines must possess four characteristics, namely; right duration, enough rest, proper reps, and variation. - 17269

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