Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Recent Healthy Living Advances

By Connor Sullivan

Every year new crazes become popular surrounding individuals' eating habits and new miracle edible solutions. One of the most recent fads among in the nutritional world is only eating raw food. People who choose to do a raw food diet do not eat anything that is processed or cooked, and usually choose to buy organic foods. A lot of vegetarian or vegan individuals are enthusiasts of this fad and many people see it as a choice for personal wellness. Recently habits promoting total natural eating habits have become very trendy. Lately there has been a lot of focus on choosing natural options for chemical substitues. Most restaurants or coffee shops have cane sugar packets as an option along with the artificial sweeteners. Also, a lot of companies are attempting to remove artificial sweeteners from their products.

Because antioxidants became a focus among health marketers, certain fruits became quite trendy. Pomegranates became very popular in all sorts of products. Consumers everywhere can now find pomegranate drinks, snacks containing pomegranate or pomegranate flavors, body wash products containing pomegranate, and candles or other home products with pomegranate scents. The acai berry became quite trendy though it was virtually unknown before its recent debut. Now it is being used for weight loss and became very popular quite quickly.

When looking at fads surrounding eating healthy, organic products have become quite the popular commodity. Especially when discussing meats, there has been a demand to know where and how the animal was raised. Many individuals choose only to buy free range meats, which is to say the animal was not contained, but was able to graze freely. Eating organic in all food, however, has also become quite popular as mentioned above. Because of this new organic population of shoppers, companies are creating a wide variety of organic products.

One trend that has become more popular especially in regards to the issue of child obesity is incorporating fitness into technology and fun. With the creation of interactive video games that require the player to get up and move, fitness games have become quite trendy. They are finding a way to create a product for all sorts of individuals by creating fitness games that cover an number of interests including yoga, snowboarding, dancing, basketball, archery, and many others. It can become an expensive investment to purchase the game system, equipment, and games, but they still seem to sell in large numbers especially, but not exclusively, among youth.

In the fitness world, companies are starting to release more creative options. Videos for step aerobics and other workouts are being replaced by more modern workout options, specifically involving dance. A lot of individuals are more motivated to work out by videos and classes that involve cardio workouts put to music and using dance steps. Just like the use of technology in fitness, creating a fun alternative to the typical cardio workouts means more individuals are willing to invest time and money into these plans than the somewhat outdated types of fitness. - 17269

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