Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms With Sleep Optimization

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Study after study has shown that as a society we are more sleep deprived than ever. And if you want to get rid of your flabby arms, sleep deprivation will hold you back. It's really that critical.

You see, if you do not get sleep, a whole range of negative effects will set back your flabby arms mission. For instance, a lack of sleep increases ghrelin which is a hormone that will make you extremely hungry.

Even worse, quality of sleep is the strongest predictor of mood. Thus, not getting a full night's rest will make everything related to getting rid of flabby arms ever so difficult.

So here is how to get rid of flabby arms by getting more sleep:

1. Do not go towards the light. Unwanted light can singlehandedly interrupt deep and restful sleep. The solution? Get better blinds or wear a sleep mask. This may sound a little drastic, but sleep is extremely important if you really want to get rid flabby arms.

2. Use your mind. Challenging your mind during the day will break down a lot of ATP. And breaking down ATP will help you sleep much better at night.

3. Do not deviate from your schedule. A single day of sleeping in can shift your sleep schedule forward by a couple of hours. And once this happens, sleep quality will decrease. So stick with a regular schedule and do not deviate no matter what!

4. Determine whether or not you have a substantial sleep debt. Everyone has some level of sleep debt. If you completely eliminated your sleep debt, you would have no drive to fall asleep. Do something monotonous. If your eyes become heavy, your sleep debt is too big.

5. Avoid huge increases in stress. A large increase in stress during the day can alter your sleep at night. You see, the neural pathways can remain overactive. Thus, try to mitigate huge stressors during the day.

If you want to get rid of flabby arms, getting more sleep will make a huge difference. If you have been consistently sleep deprived, you probably do not know what you have been missing out on. So make sure you get some sleep tonight! - 17269

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