Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Getting Rid of Man Boobs and Replacing Them With Muscles

By Ricardo d Argence

You will find that chest exercises are one of the most frequent exercises performed down the gym and are very important if you are trying to get rid of your man boobs.

Your chest is made up of two muscles, one on top of the other, that rest over your ribs. The smaller muscle that lies closer to the ribs is called the pectoralis minor while the larger muscle that lies on top of this small muscle is called the pecotralis major. This is the primary muscle that gives your chest definition and size.

Your pectoral muscles are one of the major large muscle groups in your body and a developed chest is often seen as a sign of masculinity. A strong chest not only looks good, but it lends to overall upper body strength, important in many different sports.

Many chest workouts not only focus on the chest wall but also work the triceps muscles at the back of the arms as well as the shoulder muscles. Therefore, doing a chest workout will develop the overall shape and size of the upper body.

But don't forget to stretch and do proper warm up exercises before you start working out. A useful aerobic exercise for the upper body is an indoor rowing machine. Not only will this help stretch the upper chest muscle groups, but it encourages blood flow to the muscles themselves, helping prepare them for the upcoming workout.

A simple yet effective chest exercise is the chest push-up. This does not require any special equipment or weights and can quite easily be done at home in the bedroom. You should lie flat, face down on the floor with your arms around shoulder width apart. Then push yourself upwards with your arms making sure to you keep your legs and back straight. When you reach the top of the push up, only your hands and toes should, ideally, be in contact with the floor.

At first, for some people, this exercise might be a little difficult and so you can keep your knees in contact with the floor rather than the knees. One of the important aspects of this exercise is to lower yourself down slowly so that you continue to exercise those important muscle groups. As you improve, one way to ,make this exercise more difficult is to move your hands slightly wider than shoulder width.

One of my favorite chest exercises is the bench press, which you will see many people perform down the gym. It is important you have a training partner to help you with this exercise for safety reasons. Lying flat on your back on a bench hold the barbell out at arms length. Then, slowly lower it until it just touches the chest and then proceed, again slowly, to lift it back up to the arms outstretched position.

Don't try to jerk the bar, or bounce the weight off of your chest since this can cause an injury. A simple routine of three sets of eight reps done twice a week will soon show results as it develops your chest muscles.

Whether you are looking to build up your chest muscles or getting rid of man boobs, these are two exercises that will help. - 17269

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