Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bingo Wings-How To Get Rid Of Them With Less Insulin

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

You cannot reduce your bingo wings unless you lower your insulin. This hormone is really that powerful. After all, it controls how much fat your body can burn.

Unfortunately, you could literally spend the majority of your day exercising, but if your levels of insulin are chronically elevated, the bingo wings will never go away. I wish there was a way to circumvent this, but there is not.

Thus, here are 5 tips for reducing bingo wings by lowering insulin:

1. Stick with legumes and beans. Many health experts recommend whole grains as a healthy source of carbohydrates. The problem here is that whole grains digest very quickly, even the ones with lots of fiber. And fast digestion equals more insulin.

2. Use balance. If you want the lowest levels of insulin possible and the fastest reduction in bingo wings, you need all macronutrients in your diet. Leave one out and you will slow down progress. Make sure you have protein, carbohydrates, fats and vegetables in as many meals as possible.

3. Deal with dopamine. If you have become accustomed to a high intake of carbohydrates, your levels of dopamine may be a little skewed. After all, research has shown that high sugar intakes have similar effects like drugs on the dopamine system. Preempt this issue and you will be way ahead of the game.

4. Be careful with alcohol. One drink is fine, but anything more and you are heading down a slippery slope. The problem with alcohol is that it increases storage of abdominal fat. The type of fat that increases levels of insulin, thus decreasing your chances of getting rid of bingo wings.

5. Do not let emotions dictate your eating patterns. This is a tough one because now we enter the realm of psychology. I suggest dealing with the negative areas on your own. If you cannot manage, please seek professional help. You deserve it.

Mastering insulin is the ONLY way to get rid of those bingo wings once and for all. If you cannot control insulin, those bingo wings will never go away, ever. So take control of the hormone and get those sexy arms you so desperately deserve! - 17269

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