Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Watch Out for the Acai Berry Fraud

By Caitlin Ryan

Acai berries are truly one of nature's miracle foods. They are loaded in antioxidants, B vitamins and essential amino acids. They contain phytochemicals such as anthocyanins, which protect the plant from infection and free radical damage. When we consume the acai berries, the protective properties of the phytochemicals are transferred to us.

Because of all of those nutrients, acai berries are beneficial in preventing disease and slowing the signs of aging. They can also benefit weight loss efforts when proper diet and exercise are also used. They have antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory capabilities.

Free radicals and inflammation are behind many disease processes and aging. The antioxidants in acai berries can neutralize free radicals and repair damage. The anti-inflammatory characteristics reduce inflammation and help prevent inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis. Because of these properties, acai berries show promise in aiding in weight loss.

Unfortunately, you cannot head to the local supermarket and purchase whole acai berries in the produce department. These gorgeous purple berries are grown in the Amazon, and the only products available at the grocery store are juices and frozen mixes meant for drinks or sauces. Be sure to check the label to see how much of the product is acai berries and how much is sugar or corn syrup. You might be able to find a powder form as well.

On the supplement end, however, there are oodles of products. You might find acai berry supplements in liquid extract form, powders or pills. Though these might be great products, the bad news is there are quite a few acai berry frauds as well. When something becomes as popular as acai berries in the health supplement arena, there are bound to be some rotten eggs in the dozen.

One of the more popular frauds is a "free trial" offer fraud. Not all free trials are fraudulent, but many customers have reported companies who offer these free trials and then sign the person up for an auto-shipment of more acai berry supplement. Some of these companies charge more than $50 for a bottle of acai berry supplements, and the charge ends up as a surprise. It is also quite difficult to get out of some of these acai berry frauds because when the person calls the company to cancel and seek reimbursement, the operators put them on hold for 20 minutes or more and continually transfer them from one department to another.

Another common acai berry fraud is the "weight loss" magic bullet approach. Most of us would like to find a pill to promote weight loss and a fit, trim body, but without the work of following a weight loss plan and exercising, you will not find any miracles in acai berry supplements alone. They can aid in weight loss, but they do not act alone.

Ultimately, you need to research the company a bit. Look for certifications of good business practice such as seals offered by the Better Business Bureau. You should consider making a phone call. If you get put on hold right away, this is likely another acai berry fraud! If someone wanted to buy something from you, would you put that person on hold? - 17269

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