Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, November 13, 2009

HCG Diet Direct: Your Very Own HCG Diet Planner

By Amelia Handley

HCG...it's a household word after its discovery by the general public. If you haven't tried it you know someone who has and its difficult to forget the kind of weight loss results it offers. 1 to 2 pounds of weight loss per day for the average dieter is basically unheard of outside of invasive procedures.

But for the "in the know" dieter who wants all the information before they start introducing any substance into their body...more facts are needed. HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. Human chorionic gonadotropin is a natural element produced by the human body. It is often called the pregnancy hormone because it has definite physiological functions in the reproduction process.

The HCG levels increase during pregnancy because it has a physiological function to fulfill. It increases progesterone production; vital to the pregnancy. HCG was originally introduced as a weight loss aid by Dr. Simeons, an endocrinologist, over 50 years ago.

At first (and by at first I mean until recently) the HCG weight loss method was only available to a very exclusive group. The average person couldn't find a valid HCG Diet Planner if they tried. The program was only available at exclusive clinics for exorbitant prices. The increased availability of the HCG diet planner has created a sensation in the last year. A variety of HCG based weight loss programs are now available through a wide range of sources from weight loss clinics to weight loss practitioners to online HCG diet planners.

Online HCG diet planners seem to be a popular choice for many due to the added advantages. One reputable online source for your HCG weight loss needs is HCG Diet Direct. They offer guidance, information on the industry and the product and the diet. They offer additional tools to make success a probability for dieters. They are a full range HCG diet planner aiding people who want to take advantage of the amazing results that go with proper HCG use.

HCG Diet Direct's homeopathic HCG weight loss formula offers the extreme results dieters are looking for when they search for a HCG diet planner. Successful dieters see 1 to 2 pounds of weight loss per day. The diet is strict and it doesn't offer any freebies; and HCG Diet Direct makes that very clear up front. To see the results; you have to follow the rules. The HCG is there to fulfill its natural function as long as you are fulfilling your dietary requirements.

To access further information from an online HCG diet planner...access HCG Diet Direct's website. The site is full of free information that will ensure you know what you need to know in order to succeed on the diet. - 17269

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