Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Live Long, Stick To A Colon Cleanse Diet

By Jared Rite

Next to cancer of the lungs, colon cancer is responsible for majority of the cancer deaths in the United States and it is easy to understand why. Over the years, food technology made rapid advancements that undoubtedly boosted how the food man eats tastes, but not all these are exactly good for man's health. In fact, more often then not, man's diet today consists of harmful substances that attacks the body and affects the system negatively. These negative effects could give rise to many different diseases.

Much of the food that can be bought today that serve as examples to mentioned terrible food are white flour, refined sugar, white rice and pasta, meat with hormones, antibiotics and preservatives, high-fructose corn syrup and other common food that are weakening the body slowly but surely. Many people do not even have an idea that these ordinary classes of food that many thinks they cannot do without has this bad effects. Toxins are formed by these foods and should be immediately removed from the digestive system by cleaning the colon and thereafter the bowel movement.

A person who regularly makes bowel movements is actually healthy. It is good to make at least one bowel movement a day. If you are not achieving this, then you are well on your way to a disease. At the present, one of the most common problems associated with bowel movement experienced by many is constipation. This takes place when the fecal matter's stay in the bowel system is prolonged, resulting in their fermentation. When this happens, they are reabsorbed by the system and they decay. This gives refuge to a would-be breeding ground for dangerous, even deadly diseases such as colon cancer.

To prevent this from happening to you, it is best to detoxify through a colon cleanse diet. Detoxification is a process wherein toxins are either taken out from your body, neutralized or transformed and thereafter clear the excess congestion and mucus. A colon cleanse diet as well as a healthy lifestyle can make this possible.

Colon cleanse diet is basically the avoidance of chemicals in your food, the avoidance of refined food, caffeine, alcohol, sugar and such drugs that contain toxin. Stopping the use of tobacco will also greatly help. It would be ideal to include probiotics in your colon cleanse diet to enable to replenish the intestinal flora. Basically, what your colon cleanse diet should consist of are vegetables and fruits. Lessen your intake of processed and cooked food to help keep off toxin and mucoid plaque from forming in your digestive system.

For those digestive systems however that already built up toxins and plaques, you can still free your system from these undesirables. The rule to follow should be a slow but regular elimination so that toxins will stop from building up and food intake will be properly digested and used by the body. This will allow your nutrition to be optimized to its fullest use that will allow for your body's vitality and rejuvenation. The process may take years, even decades. The important thing is you start it now before it becomes too late. - 17269

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