Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thinking About the HCG Diet...

By Amelia Handley

You are so lucky. I'm sure you just can't wait to keep up as I document my progress through the HCG diet with daily articles online. It's one of the most effective diets on the market. I looked into HCG diet weight loss clinics initially, but I couldn't the afford the money or time investments it required. So instead I opted for an online option with HCG Diet Direct.

I read all about the diet and HCG Diet Direct. I just typed HCG into google and there it was. As much information as anyone could possibly want. There were articles, releases, case studies, testimonials, blogs...info is all over the place!

But that wasn't enough. After that I decided I needed to know the EXACT requirements of the diet. Naysayers say it's SO hard! And I don't believe in unnecessary punishments. The first thing I discovered is that I don't need a prescription; which is fabulous! No insurance means I avoid doctors offices and pharmacies as much as possible. The HCG diet weight loss clinics I tried first required prescriptions so this was a pleasant surprise for me. I also loved the fact that it's all natural.

I went through all the detailed info offered on HCG Diet Direct's web site. They've got everything. I read about the origins of the diet. I read about the general weight loss theory. I read about the massive popularity surge in the recent months. I read about a bunch of specific case studies. It was great. And I really appreciate the fact that I just order it online, wait for it to be delivered to my door and start it up at my convenience.

After reading and reading and reading...I felt like I had a pretty good grasp of the diet in general. And I have to say that I was really excited about the weight loss possibilities that it seemed I'll have access to...1 to 2 pounds per day? That's absolutely amazing. It definitely makes me intensely dedicated to sticking to the rules so I'll get the best possible results.

I felt pretty ready at this point. But then I had the same old, same old problem of nervous lack of motivation and procrastination. So I made a bet with a friend. It works wonders. I suggested we do it together and whoever breaks the diet has to buy the other one a new pair of jeans (since we're going to lose all this weight...it seemed pretty logical).

So...while I wait for her (and her husband's) response to my suggestions you'll just have to wait for the daily release of my successful (hopefully ALL successful) weight loss results. As I navigate one of the most popular diets on the market I'll be offering you a play by play. That way you'll be able to see once and for all that regular people can lose weight just as fast as Angelina Jolie. (If only I could grow a foot at the same time...but that's an entirely different story!) - 17269

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