Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, November 9, 2009

Washington, DC Personal Fitness Trainer Gives Away 7 Reasons NOT To Run

By Josef Brandenburg

Although many trainers will state that running is great, a Washington, DC personal fitness trainer may tell you different. In fact, there are several reasons why running should not be top of your list of exercises. These seven reasons prove it!

#1: Runners rarely look good.

The main reason why most of us try to lose weight is to look good. But, have you ever observed that runners look terrible. Some of them may look heavy while others look worn out. You may still look better if you attempt to run over shorter distances. The reason being, short distance runners are lean with tight abdominal muscles. Any good Washington DC personal trainer would reiterate this fact to you.

#2: Running has adverse effects on your hormones.

Hormones are generated while running. These hormones can damage muscles, make you sick and enhance the amount of fat storage in your body. By running, you will work against your hormones. To put it in simple words, if you want to lose weight, then quit running.

#3: Running has a negative impact on your muscles and also lowers metabolism.

Metabolic rate is partially influenced by the amount of muscle mass in your body. Fat burns faster if you have more muscle mass while you would be able to burn few calories if you have less muscle. Twitch muscles help you run at a faster pace and are crucial for a great body and higher metabolic rate. Endurance training aids in invigorating slow twitch muscles that do not affect your metabolic rate.

#4: Running worsens your athletic ability for other sports.

Endurance training's job is to allow you to run at a steady pace for a longer period. In most sports, the goal is to get from place to place faster than the other person does. These sports are interval workouts, with short bursts of activity. Endurance training de-conditions your fast twitch muscles! This makes you a poor athlete outside of the long distance run.

#5: Running is painful, a Washington DC personal fitness trainer knows.

In fact, as an overweight person, you can say that long distance running is the worst thing for your joints. Short distance running, such as sprints, do not hurt the knees, as many people often worry. In fact, those who want to run for a long time can count on having damage to their knees. Anything longer than 30 second sprints is too long for weight loss.

#6: Running is not the best thing you can do for weight loss.

Any Washington DC personal fitness trainer will tell you about the insignificance of running, at-least for the purpose of weight loss. Aerobics, similar to this form of running is worst thing you can do to lose weight.

#7: Running is boring.

One last question you can ask your Washington DC personal fitness trainer is: If they ever had fun while running. Running is usually monotonous and you will probably end up not seeing it through. - 17269

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