Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, December 18, 2009

Is It Possible to Find a Fat Loss Plan That Reduces Fat while Keeping Lean Tissue?

By Josh Wintrop

Have you been involved in a series of exercise plans, diet regimens, and spent money on costly weight loss products and exercise gear? Were any of your effort successful in producing the results required to meet your objectives? It could be that the products you decided to use to lose weight produced only short-term results. If you are serious about losing your extra weight and maintaining that weight loss indefinitely, you will have to find a program that involves a significant change in lifestyle for it to be effective in the long run.

The program will involve a number of elements including making more appropriate food choices and altering your eating habits, as well as participating in an exercise routine regularly to maintain fitness. You will want to focus on actual fat loss, rather than the short lived quick loss of water weight that is associate with weight loss plans. Through the "lifestyle change" approach, concentration is on fat loss.

If you've ever noticed how athletes who are lean tip the scales just right, it is because their bodies are made up of lean muscle and they have very minimal body fat. With a fat loss program, it is only the fat which is being lost - not your water weight - and you are also performing steps to build up muscle mass at the same time.

The first step is to examine the advantages that fat loss offers compared to loss of water weight. A program that provides for a slow, steady loss of fat, will ultimately help you to attain the desired results.

When you participate in programs that promise rapid weight loss, you will lose lean muscle mass and fat along with a lot of water weight. Weight loss programs that target the loss of fat, not weight due to water, will also help you to develop additional lean muscle tissue while you are losing fat.

Lean athletes who are able to maintain the proper weight, can do so because they have extremely small amounts of body fat and their bodies are composed of mainly lean muscle. A plan that concentrates on fat burning has the added advantage of being a healthier method of losing weight while feeding your muscle.

You need to consider a few points before you make a decision on the weight loss plan you want to use. First of all, do some research on the author to determine his or her qualifications to discuss the subject of weight loss. You can look at online sites for user reviews on various fitness and weight loss plans, as well, to see what results others have achieved.

Lastly, you need to determine whether this is a weight loss program that you will be able to follow for an extended period of time. Finding the right weight loss program that burns fat along with feeding muscle, will allow you to meet your weight loss goals while ensuring a healthier lifestyle. You can now shed the extra unwanted weight in an effective, healthy manner. - 17269

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