Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Use The Best Bicep Exercise To Get Big Biceps

By Rob Maraby

So what is the best "big bicep" exercise in existence? Many bodybuilders would say it is the standing bicep curl and for good reason, this bicep exercise will stimulate the most amount of muscle possible. And in this article I will show you how to use it to build big arms.

The standing bicep curl is the best bicep exercise for the simple reason that it stimulates the entire bicep muscle but it also stimulates the stabilizer muscles as well as the shoulders and forearm muscles.

When it comes to building muscles mass, two things have to be in place before any muscle can be built and these are muscle intensity and muscle recovery. The bicep exercise I just spoke off covers both parts easily and here is how:

The standing bicep curl delivers the right training intensity because it allows the maximum amount of weight to be carried in the shortest period of time. This allows the maximum amount of overload and intensity to be generated which results in deeper muscle stimulation and muscle growth.

The bicep curl allows the maximum amount of weight to be lifted. This is so because the movement allows leverage and this allows maximum muscle stimulation and therefore growth

The bicep curl also satisfies the muscle recovery requirement because not many sets can be performed if done correctly. This allows ample time for the muscles to recover and therefore grow. To ensure muscle recovery perform this bicep exercise once a week for one set only

To begin, select a weight that will allow you to perform 15 repetitions to positive failure. Positive failure is the point where you can't complete another repetition despite your greatest effort.

So perform the bicep curl with a weight that allo0ws you to perform 15 repetitions and take that to positive failure. When you are done, rest 8 seconds and pick up the same weight and perform as many reps as you can to failure. Then rest another 8 seconds and perform the standing bicep curl again to failure. You continue doing this until you cannot perform another repetition correctly

15 repetitions

Rest 8 seconds

9 repetitions

Rest 8 seconds

6 repetitions

Rest 8 seconds

3 repetitions

And that is it!

One set of this bicep exercise and you have nothing else to do. So apply this diligently and you will get the big arms you have always wanted - 17269

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