Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, January 10, 2010

How Energy Drinks Affect College Students

By Joseph Young

College students have busy schedules, and can be under great stress loads at times. One way that they are combating the problem is by consuming energy drinks to keep them going. College students are huge consumers and highly targeted by these power drink companies.

One way energy drinks create opportunity for college students is by the increase of physical energy. Another is by increasing alertness. Both are equally important to the young college goer. Also, drinking these beverages has reportedly bettered sleep habits. Over consumption has the reverse affect.

A recent survey showed that consuming energy drinks with alcohol is most popular. This practice has been related to fatalities, yet it remains a weekend highlight among college students. The weekend drinking binges often includes Red Bull and Vodka. Wow, what a mix of high and low in one cup. Blows your mind to think of it.

So, what are your patterns? No one knows them like you. Tracking your energy drink patterns will help you stay away from the over consumption of caffeine and other stimulants. Over time these can have serious side effects. Please pay close attention to the ingredients in the can you drink.

So how do energy drinks affect you? Do you know how many you consume every day? You must know if you are consuming too much, right? Can't sleep, heart is racing fast, mind is scrambled. You are nervous a lot. Be careful. Read the ingredients in those cans, and understand what you are consuming.

Energy Drinks can create opportunities for College Students. Home based companies are created that incorporate a plan that students can involve themselves in. These plans include marketing the product and enjoying the revenue that is generated by it. Think about the massive impact it could have on the campus with thousands of students drinking the energy drink and making money for sharing it with other students! - 17269

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