Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Is It Necessary To Exercise To Lose Flabby Upper Arms?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Is this a flabby upper arms joke? Nope. The truth is that you can lose arm fat without having to touch a weight.

The secret lies in spontaneous fat loss. This method of losing the flab is the easiest one out there, I promise.

It's so easy because there is no exercise involved and no dietary restrictions. You simply tweak little things here and there and the arm flab goes away just like that.

So here are 4 awesome tips you should consider so that your flabby upper arms begin to melt away:

1. Consume foods with labels from undesirable locations. Now you have to be a little flexible here but it's worth it. A very interesting study showed that people who were given an alcoholic beverage with a label from an undesirable location, ate 500 fewer calories during a meal.

2. Stay away from high glycemic index carbohydrates. It was shown that boys who ate low glycemic index carbs consumed 621 fewer calories in a meal versus boys who ate high glycemic index carbs. Stay away from high glycemic index carbohydrates at all costs.

3. Have a salad before any big meal. One really cool study showed that restaurateurs ate 100 fewer calories when given a salad with dinner. Now be really careful with how much dressing you use.

4. Substitute saturated fat with unsaturated fat. One study demonstrated that people eat 200 fewer calories per meal when consuming olive oil versus butter. Olive oil is an unsaturated fat and butter is a saturated fat. Follow the above tips and you'll notice a reduction in flabby upper arms with minimal effort on your part.

With the above steps in mind, you can lose those flabby upper arms without breaking a sweat. There is a body of scientific evidence that backs this up. So make sure to act on this information now!

Having said that, you will get much faster results if you add in some exercise. Please do not get the wrong message, exercise is still a great tool for toning your arms! - 17269

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