Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The New And Easy Science Of Flabby Arm Toning

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Is it possible to tone flabby arms without a treadmill or weights? Surprisingly, the answer to this question is yes.

I'm not saying that exercise is bad for you, or that it has no value. I mean, exercise is great for getting sexy arms. However, there are other ways for getting rid of arm flab.

You do it with spontaneous fat loss. This type of fat loss refers to reductions in caloric intake that are unconscious. In other words, there are certain environmental factors you can manipulate that will automatically reduce the amount of calories you eat.

And without further delay, here are 4 tips for entering the spontaneous fat loss zone so that you can tone flabby arms:

1. Keep bad food in areas that are not easily accessible. One study showed that people eat 300% more candy when it's within arms' reach. So make sure to keep all calorie-heavy food far far away no matter what. Conversely, keep the good food very very close. What type of results would you get if you ate 300% more good food?

2. Use smaller eating devices. A really cool study showed that people unconsciously eat 50% more ice cream when using jumbo spoons and bowls. This happened because the scoops of ice cream looked much much smaller next to the large eating devices.

3. Use tall and thin glassware when drinking calorie-laden liquids. People will poor up to 30% more liquid when using short glasses versus tall glasses. You see, a volume of liquid looks much smaller in a short/wide glass versus a tall/thin glass.

4. Use the same plate when at a buffet. If your table is constantly cleared at a buffet, you'll eat 25% more. This happens because as the plates are taken away you forget how much you have eaten. In other words, you lose your visual point of reference.

Spontaneous fat loss is the key to sexy arm stardom with minimal effort. Learning how to tone flabby arms doesn't have to be a long and drawn out battle. At times, the easiest approach is the best approach.

And remember to take action on this information today, not tomorrow. The women who take action the fastest are the ones who succeed. - 17269

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