Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Why Lifting Weights Is So Important?

By Benedict Perez

The other name for weight lifting is strength training. Some people do weight lifting for becoming slim trim, toning muscle and shaping your body but some people do it just for passion and it is a good thing. One of the reasons a lot of people do not lift weights is because they are intimidated by the word weight lifting.

People do not lift weights due to one reason or other. But believe me it is a very important thing and will keep you healthy for your whole life. It is the best thing that you can do to fight off osteoporosis, lowering of blood pressure, etc.

In weight lifting what you basically do is lifting heavy weights. Definition is totally simple. But people always avoid it. There are two reasons for it. One is that they do not know what to do and from where to start and the second probable reason is that they have not yet realized the important of weight lifting in life.

There are many different myths developed about weight lifting. One of the most common myths is some people think that weight lifting give you big and bulky body especially muscles which they do not want. But all this is wrong. Bodies become bulky if you spend 4 to 5 hours for lifting weights. It is very difficult to build large muscles. Some people who want big muscles also take different type of medicines.

Basic fact is that when you lift weights, muscles are built. Weight lifting will burn calories and will make you slim and trim. It will help you burn calories even at the time of rest. This is only because of toned body. Let us take an example. There are two individuals that are you and your friend. You go to gym regularly and do weight lifting and your friend do not do any exercise. Now you both are watching T.V. After one hour what do you think who will have burned more calories?

Normally you will think that the answer is that both have not lost any calories. But it is wrong. You have burned more calories. This is because your body is toned with muscles and not with fats. And more muscles mean more calorie burn. Do not afraid of big and bulky body. If you will dedicate just around 30 minutes for weight lifting your body will get toned and will not become bulky and big. It happens to very less men and women.

If you want to buy weights then the best place is internet. Just search on Google for the sites that are working in this field. Choose the trusted site and order the weights you like. There are large numbers of websites working in this field. In just 48 hours you will get the weights at your home.

Make a commitment and do weight lifting two to three days a week. It will tone your body and make you look good and slim trim. It will also help you in old age. - 17269

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