Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Chair Recliners for Body Builders Ratchets Performance

By James Knolan

Are you a serious about body builder? Then you may want to know that regular massage therapy can be a great enhancement to your routine. Regular massage therapy helps to increase muscle tone, improve range of motion, enhances your flexibility and reduces recovery time from injury. Your current routine is probably very disciplined with your diet, exercise and stretching. The addition of regular massage therapy can be the edge you are looking for. If you are not able to consistently see a massage therapist, you may be interested in the convenience and economics of a massage chair recliner.

There are many benefits to body builders of receiving regular massage therapy. If you happen to overwork your muscles or sustain an injury, then massage helps to soften and loosen the muscles, tendons and scar tissue. If you periodically have muscles spasms or cramps, massage helps to lessen the incidence of these occurring. If you have aches and pains after working out, then massage therapy releases endorphins which help to reduce pain. If your joints feel stiff or less flexible, then massage helps to improve your range of motion.

Would you like to gain an edge over the competition? Sports massages have become very prevalent in most professional and Olympic venues. Top athletes have been prepared before their events with a massage to decrease muscle stiffness and increase their flexibility. Massage also helps increase your circulation which increases your mental alertness and awareness. If you are looking for an edge, then regular massage therapy may just be the enhancement you need.

One of the biggest obstacles of getting regular massage therapy is having to go to a massage therapist. Making time to get a massage in addition to the strict routine most body builders follow is tough. If the massage therapist is not located in the Gym, then more time is needed to go to their location. This where the convenience of massage chair truly shines. A massage chair is available 24/7. You do not need to make an appointment. You can get very frequent massage therapy very conveniently. The key to getting the benefits of massage therapy is receiving it on a frequent basis.

Massage chairs continue to advance with the unprecedented pace of technology. You can now find massage therapies ranging from Sports massage, acupressure, deep tissue, Shiatsu and Swedish style massages. Each of these massage techniques has particular target areas and specific benefits. These massage chairs also have full body massage capability from head to toe. If you have a specific area you want to target, then you can focus the program exactly where you want.

Some advanced massage chairs also have full body heat. Heat can be applied to different sections of the massage recliner. This helps to reduce swelling and help blood flow. Also, there are lower body traction systems. These traction systems will stretch out the lower body from the lower back, hips, thighs, knees and ankles. This is especially relieving after a good strenuous work out. Some massage chairs incorporate music players with headphones so that you can relax in your own environment.

Massage chairs are viewed as expensive, but if you look at the life time value of a chair, then it is a completely different story. A massage chair may run $3,000, but it is designed to provide a minimum of 1,000 hours of massage therapy. This comes out to a cost of $3 per hour. Compare this to 1 hour of massage therapy provided by a therapist. A massage therapist will run $50 per hour plus tip. Clearly, massage chairs provide a huge economic advantage over the traditional massage therapist.

Body builders put tremendous stress and strain on their muscles and body. Regular massage therapy can help to increase peak performance and help reduce the incidence of injury, cramps and spasms. This may just be the edge you need over your competition. Getting regular massage therapy is tremendously convenient with your own massage chair recliner. - 17269

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