Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, December 12, 2008

How Safe is the Food You Eat?

By Lidia Peru

Practicing healthy food preparation and storage is important for maintaining the health of our families. News stories of food contamination only helps drive home that basic fact. We hear of it all the time, with recalls of fruits and vegetables that are tainted with toxins.

Some believe that the contaminated foods are imported, that other countries do not have the stringent guidelines for food growing and handling. So then how is it that we hear of recalls of tainted spinach from California growers?

Studies have been conducted to review and improve the safe handling of fresh foods. There are many events in the life cycle of our foods that have the potential for dangerous contamination.

A naturally occurring danger is the overgrowth of pathogens on our foods. Given the right conditions these pathogens can create a protective shell, protecting the bacterial growth below them. These bacteria include E. coli and salmonella, to name a few.

Another possible cause for concern is the residue left on produce by repeated use of pesticides. While those pesticides can increase crop production by reducing pests, the continued intake of even traces of these chemicals can never be considered healthy.

Mycotoxin is a toxin in the fungus family. Due to their microscopically small spores,fungi are found nearly everywhere in small quantities. They feed off organic matter when the conditions are right. In too great a quantity mycotoxin poisoning can take place. This overdose can come through direct consumption or by feeding contaminated feed to livestock.

What can we do to assure that our fresh produce is safe to feed our families? One discovery I have made is miracle mineral solution, or MMS. The cost is low, and one bottle can last for months or even years. MMS is a 28 percent solution of sodium chlorite. When it is mixed with a citric acid, food based, it becomes chlorine dioxide. Did you know that chlorine dioxide has been used for over 70 years for water purification?

One step we can take in our food preparation is to do that final cleaning prior to use of our produce. The method I prefer is to use MMS, or Miracle Mineral Solution and a little citric acid to produce chlorine dioxide. This combination was discovered several years ago, and used to treat thousands of malaria cases, hence the name miracle in Miracle Mineral Solution. The resulting chemical output is chlorine dioxide, a water purifier and naturally occuring detoxifier in the body.

I know that the health and wellness of your family is important to you. Miracle Mineral Solution gives us a choice that can lead to a healthier happier environment. - 17269

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