Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What is the Power of Acai?

By Rand Francis

If you have been reading any health magazines for a while, you are not likely to miss hearing or reading about acai. The acai berry has been in the news, featured in many TV shows such as in Oprah, featured in best selling books such as those by Dr. Nicholas Perricone and mentioned by many celebrities such as Rachel Ray. Many people have vowed that they will always live by the acai berry to save them from unbearable aches and pains.

What people already know about acai is that it is healthy. They may not know much more but from what they heard, it is very healthy. They have heard that it can potentially cure many diseases and illnesses. People heard that it gives you energy as well as curing any aches and pains. If they have heard of the ORAC value and chart, they might have heard that acai is usually put on top of the chart by many organizations.

When people mention the acai, they often refer to the berry. An acai fruit is a berry, not a vegetable or other types of fruits. Some people do not even know that the acai is natural. They think that since it is so good, it cannot be natural. Since they usually do not see the acai fruit in the supermarket, they think that it is not a fruit. The acai berry is found deep in the swamp areas of the rain forests hidden away and hard to reach.

Even if they know that the acai is a berry, they might now know that the acai berries grow on tall trees that are in the palm family. The acai palm trees are large and tall with the acai berries hanging down in branches that look like ribbons. There can be about 20kg of acai berries harvested from each acai palm tree each year.

Nowadays, people are aware of the importance of antioxidants which is why many people eat blueberries and other berries. The acai berries are supposed to have much more antioxidants than other fruits and vegetables. In fact, in 2005, there was a research finding published about the acai berry that says that it was excellent against peroxyl radicals, good against peroxynitrite and poor against hydroxyl radicals.

If you are worried about cancer, in 2006, the University of Florida published a research finding that says that the acai berry extract may lead to scientists finding a cure to cancer. The research caught a lot of attention in the media and it was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. There need to be more research on the effect of acai berry on cancer cells.

Soon the world will know more about the acai berry. However, from what we already know, adding acai berry extract, juice or powder of some sort to your diet will help you stay healthy. It is accepted even in Scientific circles now that acai contains many things that your body needs to fight diseases and illnesses. Why wouldn't you want to eat some acai every day? - 17269

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