Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, February 6, 2009

Does Wu Yi Tea Really Work To Promote Weight Loss?

By Diane Keavy

There has been a lot of interest lately in Wu Yi tea, which is being touted as a weight loss aid. Today, we'll examine this tea and the claims of the effectiveness of Wu Yi tea for weight loss. Does Wu Yi tea really work to help you lose weight?

The short answer is yes; when consumed on a regular basis, Wu Yi Tea really can be helpful for those looking for a little bit of an edge in their weight loss program. As long as you keep in mind that it isn't a miracle cure for obesity - and anyone who tells you that Wu Yi tea will allow you to become slender overnight isn't telling it to you like it is, this tea can give you that little bit of an extra boost that you need to start shedding those extra pounds and keeping them off.

How does Wu Yi tea help you to lose weight and keep it off? Let's start with an explanation of this tea and where it is from. While all teas are from the same plant (the Camellia Sinensis), the way that tea is processed after being picked makes all the difference. Wu Yi tea is a type of oolong tea which takes its name from Mount Wu Yi in the southern Chinese province of Fujian. The mineral rich soils of Mount Wu Yi are thought to be responsible for some of the health benefits of Wu Yi tea.

It is the way that Wu Yi tea is processed which makes Wu Yi tea work to help people lose weight naturally and safely. All tea leaves contain compounds known as polyphenols. These are the compounds which produce the weight loss effects of the tea (and they also have antioxidant properties as a side benefit).

Like all teas, Wu Yi tea contains a small amount of caffeine, which does increase your metabolism a little bit (which helps you to burn off calories faster) - but Wu Yi tea works much better at increasing metabolic rate than can be accounted for by the caffeine content of the tea. So why does Wu Yi tea work to increase metabolism? That's right: polyphenols.

A study conducted at a Japanese medical school measured the energy expenditure of subjects (measured in calories) after drinking either water, green tea or oolong tea (like Wu Yi tea). The subjects in this study who drank oolong tea burned off 10% more calories than those who drank only water - the rate of energy expenditure was even higher in the first hour or so after drinking the tea. You may want to have a cup of Wu Yi before your next workout to increase the number of calories burned!

This is just one of several studies which have been done in clinical research institutes and universities across the US, Europe and Asia which indicate that drinking Wu Yi tea works to help people burn off more calories - and stay slimmer.

So why does Wu Yi tea work better than regular Oolong tea? While all Oolong tea contains a lot of polyphenols, Wu Yi tea is an especially good source for these natural weight loss compounds;;but how do the polyphenols in Wu Yi tea work to produce this weight loss effect?

It turns out that the polyphenols in Wu Yi tea tell your body to begin producing enzymes responsible for lipolysyis - this refers to the breaking down of stored fat, which your body then burns off as energy. Since it simply stimulates your body's own natural fat burning processes, Wu Yi tea really works to help you lose weight naturally, with none of the side effects of many weight loss products out there. Anyone who has been looking for a safe, all natural product to help them lose weight should try Wu Yi tea for weight loss. Wu Yi tea works " you wont become svelte in three days, but this tea can give you the help you need to take off the weight youve been trying to lose " and with a taste this good, youll have no problem working it into your diet. - 17269

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