Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Stackers, all the ins and outs revealed!

By Rossane B.

Some very popular Stacker fat burners are Original Stacker 2 and Stacker 2 Lite. Stacker Fat burners contain ephedra and caffeine. The caffeine makes the ephedra work more effectively. If you are interested in using a stacker fat burner you should understand how they work.

There are ephedra free products but the replacement product works like ephedra. The combination of ingredients is what makes the stacker fat burners so effective at weight loss. The components of the stacker fat burner are all derived from herbs and herbal products. However if you take the herbal supplements separately you will not have the same effective as stacker fat burners are specially designed to burn fat.

Stacker fat burners cause weight loss by decreasing your calorie intake and suppressing your appetite. They also can control your cravings, which is the difficult part for many individuals who are trying to lose weight. Stacker fat burners also make you uninterested in high fat food so you are also decreasing your fat consumption. Besides effectively decreasing your appetite stacker fat burners also inhibit fat storage in your body.

Stackers fat burners increase your metabolism by slightly raising your body temperature. This causes your stored fat to be converted into usable energy. By using the fat in your body you will feel less hungry and quickly lose weight.

Stackers fat burners also contain additional compounds that assist in fat burning like Chitosin. As with many dieting aids there are some side effects, particularly with products that contain ephedra. You should remember that not everyone experiences side effects, as everyone is different. If you are allergic to shellfish then you shouldn't take any products with chitosin as chitosin comes from shellfish.

Ephedra does affect some individuals and some known side effects are, loss of appetite, increased blood pressure, restlessness, hyper-activity, nervousness, insomnia, excitement, dizziness, and increased heart rate. As with every drug just because there are side effects does not mean you will experience any. Each individual is different and some may or may not have side effects. Stacker fat burners can also boost your energy. If you are concerned about side effects then you should speak with your doctor.

To maximize your weight loss effort and keep the weight off you will need to make some life style changes. You will need to change your eating habits to decrease high fatty foods and increase low fat and high fiber foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. If you aren't willing to change your eating and exercise habits then you will probably gain the weight back after your lose it. Stacker fat burners were first popular with body builders but have since become a popular diet aid for all.

Because of the effects of ephedra more stacker fat burners that do not contain ephedra have been developed. Some ephedra free products are Stacker 2, Hydroxycut, Xenadrine Trimspa, Ripped fuel, Metabolife and more. Some ephedra-free products work by increasing your thyroid gland hormone products, which triggers weight loss. These ephedra free products to work but do not have the effectiveness of ephedra products. You will still lose weight, just not quite as quickly as with an ephedra product. You may be able to make life style changes first and then see if you should take a stacker fat burner. - 17269

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