Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, February 19, 2009

How to Have Healthy Eyes

By psychic

How To Brighten Eyes

There is often nothing you can do about the color of the whites in your eyes. Eating well can lead to a whiter white, but the difference many not be all that noticeable. That does not mean you have to give up on having the youthful look or bright eyes however. What you have to do is to find out some makeup tricks that can help brighten eyes.

Many of these are very simple, and you may wonder why you didnt think them up on your own. You may already have what you need at home, or you can get the required items wherever you buy your makeup.

One trick that helps to brighten eyes also helps them to appear larger. This is done with a stick of white eyeliner. You may have a bit of a hard time finding this in your favorite brand, but look through all brands in the store. Someone will have it. If not, order it online.

What you do is apply your normal eyeliner as you always do, and then add a line of white underneath the eye under your normal color. This may look funny to you at first, but no one will notice. It will brighten eyes, make them look bigger, and give you a fresh look. You may have to experiment to get it just right, but it works very well.

Another trick that can brighten eyes is one that some also use to look younger. You probably have a few shades of foundation in your house that you bought only to find they were not quite right. I know that I always put these away because they cost so much, and throwing them out hurts a bit. You want to look through these and get out the one that is too light, but still close to your natural skin coloring. When you dont have any, all you have to do is go out and buy one shade lighter (or even two) than the one you always wear.

You can use this trick to do two things. What you want to do is to apply your normal foundation as you always do. Then, to brighten eyes and look younger, you want to take the lighter shade and dab it under each eye. Blend it in and stand back. This should take away any dark circles under your eyes that have aged you, and it should also brighten eyes quite well. You can apply the lighter color around your mouth where deep lines have occurred to look even younger. Once you have blended, add your powder to keep it in place. You will love how you look when you are done. - 17269

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