Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, April 6, 2009

Acai Berry Reigns Supreme over Purple Fruits

By Caitlin Ryan

Who does not want tons of energy, gorgeous skin and thick hair? Are you interested in slowing the signs of aging and feeling younger? The solution to many of these issues lies with the royalty among purple fruits otherwise known as the amazing acai berry!

A few months ago, I began noticing that my hair was not as thick as it used to be. My skin seemed dull and more lines were showing up. Worst of all, I was feeling tired and sluggish most of the time. For the past five years, I have been eating fairly healthy trying to eat more fruits and veggies, but it is pretty hard to get eight servings per day in as recommended. I exercise as well, but my low energy levels were making it more difficult.

After a visit to the doctor where everything checked out okay, I decided to explore other avenues. I decided that I must need a supplement. After much research, I decided that acai berries were the way to go. They offer antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids and essential amino acids.

Many supplements contain these nutrients, but not as much as acai berry supplements. The antioxidant content in acai berries is through the roof and the essential amino acid content is nearly complete which is rare for plants.

Using a test called Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC), the total antioxidant power of a given food or substance can be measured. While blueberries have an ORAC of 2400, Amazonian acai berries have an ORAC of 90,000 making their antioxidant capabilities more powerful than any known food source.

Anthocyanins are the phytochemical (and antioxidant) that give purple fruits their gorgeous color. Found in acai berries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, plums, bilberry and elderberry, anthocyanins have been studied extensively.

Due to their anti-inflammatory characteristics, extensive laboratory studies have found them to be beneficial to many areas of health.

In many studies where lab animals were supplemented with anthocyanins (as found in acai berries), the anti-inflammatory action prevented allergic reactions, reversed deficits in the neurological system caused by aging, restored capillary function in diabetic models and prevented arterial damage thus preventing atherosclerosis. Tumor cell growth was found to diminish using anthocyanins, which makes them amazing in cancer prevention.

Free radicals and the damage they incur are implicated in aging, cancer, heart disease and a number of health problems. Acai berry antioxidants such as anthocyanins fight free radical damage by neutralizing and preventing free radicals and cellular damage. Acai berries nutrient content helps restore cellular health through regeneration and repair.

When I began offering my body acai berries and their vast array of health benefits, I had more energy within the first week and better skin quality and thicker more radiant hair within a month.

Acai berries are not an instant solution. You will not have an energy rush as you would with a cup of coffee. Nor can acai berries cover up fine lines like cosmetics or boost your hair volume like hair care products. Instead, they offer long term solutions and better results by restoring youth and improving overall health from the inside out.

Acai berries offer a wide range of health benefits including disease prevention, immunity boosting and anti-aging. - 17269

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