Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Acai Capsules

By Carter Sinclair

The magical Acai berry has recently taken the health food industry by storm. You've probably already seen ads promoting Acai juice or Acai Capsules. Oprah has featured it on her show; naming it the #1 super food available today. Since the berry is packed full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and omega fatty acids it can provide massive health benefits to anyone who takes it.

Acai berry contains around 3870 ORAC and doctors suggest you should have at least 1600 ORAC a day which means Acai contains more than double the amount. The ORAC is Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity which measures the level of antioxidants in foods. Acai has one of the highest levels of antioxidants of foods out there.

What does all this technical mumbo jumbo mean? Well, it means that taking Acai can help prevent cancer, lowers your risk for heart disease, and keep you feeling and looking younger. Not too bad for a small berry?

Omega 3, 6, 9 essential fatty acids help your brain function better, lowers cholesterol, improves your mood, and increases blood circulation. Acai contains high levels of all these essential fatty acids. In addition, you will also get an increase in your energy levels and feel better than coming down from a sugar or caffeine high.

With all of these health benefits it's easy to see why so many people are jumping on the Acai bandwagon. Acai can provide numerous benefits whether you are young or old, healthy or sick, or just looking for a boost in energy.

Transportation of the fruit is very difficult and that is why you will generally see is an Acai capsules, juice, or powder. Acai has a great taste of chocolate berries when you get the juice but the capsules are great for those in a hurry. - 17269

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