Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Burn Fat And Lose Weight Without A Diet

By Danny Gutierrez

Let's talk about two things you can start doing today to instantly start losing some weight while at the same time melting the existing fat on your body.

Now generally speaking to lose weight you have to diet because in order to lose weight you have to reduce the amount of calories you consume. In a nutshell, you have to burn more calories then you consume in order to lose weight. This article will show you how you can reduce the amount of calories you consume pretty dramatically and how you can do it without dieting.

One of the fastest and most effective methods for dramatically reducing the amount of calories you consume is to completely replace all of the drinks in your diet with water. That means cutting out the sodas, the iced coffees, the juices and pretty much all the sugary drinks loaded down with a ton of calories and replacing them with water.

A twelve ounce can of soda contains 155 calories and by replacing all of the sugary drinks you currently consume with water, which contains zero calories, you'll essentially be dieting. But more importantly you'll be reducing the amount of calories you consume without altering your food diet one bit.

Snacking between meals is another common pitfall for a lot of people and one that can be very easily remedied. The key is knowing that most of the time when you're feeling hungry between meals you're really just thirsty and your body is probably dehydrated.

The next time you feel like snacking between meals the first thing you should try is an ice cold bottle of water. Obviously if you still feel hungry after the water then you can have a light and healthy snack but you should first try the water to avoid any unnecessary snacking.

As effective as drinking water to reduce your caloric consumption can be it still doesn't account for the existing fat that is on your body. So the next step is to begin targeting the fat on your body so you can have a more lean and toned appearance.

The fastest way to begin melting fat off your body is to do some form of medium intensity cardio workout first thing in the morning before you have anything to eat.

The reason you do your workout before you eat is because you just woke up from sleeping and your body has essentially just fasted for the past 7-8 hours. Your body is low on glycogen because there is no food to digest in your stomach and your body is basically looking for fuel to burn so it turns to the fat stored underneath your skin for fuel.

Putting your body into fat burning mode isn't as easy as most gym goers think unfortunately. It requires a special kind of workout. As a rule of thumb you basically want to be able to maintain a conversation with someone while working out. You want to do a medium-impact cardio workout. Nothing to rigorous if you want to burn fat.

So there you have it. These two tips will have you on the fast track to a leaner body almost from the day you start working out! - 17269

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