Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, April 20, 2009

Toned Abs - More Beauty, Less Belly

By Jose Loni

Toned abs are a thing of beauty and we all want more beauty and less belly. There are 3 things we need to do to get toned abs: First, burn the fat. Second, make our body a more effective fat burner. Third, and most important of all, program our mindset. Follow these tips and we'll be on our way to more beauty and less belly.

Subcutaneous fat is where most of our body fat is located. That's why doing isolated exercises like sit-ups will not burn fat although it will strengthen the abs.

Fat gets deposited into our stomach more as we age. In women, more fat gets deposited into their hips and thighs as well. Metabolism also slows with age. When we factor in a slowing metabolism with a change in the body's fat distribution system, it is not surprising to see a thicker waistline.

One of the most effective ways to whittle that waistline is to engage in activities like biking, swimming, walking, hiking, aerobics and very active sports like basketball, tennis and other racquet sports. The key is to keep our heart rate up and in its training zone for a minimum of 20 minutes to train the heart muscle and effectively burn fat.

As we lose body fat beneath the skin, our skin becomes tighter. As we lose fat within the muscles, we will look less flabby and more toned. So the key thing is the cardio and five times a week gets you toned abs faster.

Efficient fat burning by the body requires muscle development. And because muscles burn fat very efficiently we want to work the larger group of muscles first as they use up more fat. Then we can work on the smaller muscles to aid in more fat loss.

Finally, we need to program our mindset. Remember that scale weighing doesn't give the complete picture. Losing inches is more important so we should measure against a piece of clothing that we want to fit into rather than step on the scales to check our progress which starts showing in a few weeks giving us more confidence.

Remember, females with six-pack abs are not that rare. In fact, more and more females have well-toned abs. When you put together these 3 factors of burning fat, burning fat efficiently and proper mental conditioning, toned, six-pack abs are just a few weeks away. - 17269

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