Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, April 13, 2009

Toned Abs, Tight Clothes

By Dan Solaris

The fast-food culture people in the Western countries have combined with the hectic schedules that leave little room for daily exercise are causing more and more people to fall victim to obesity. Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention puts the percentage of overweight Americans at 66% and almost half that number already obese.

Indeed, as the pace of life becomes increasingly faster, our waistlines are growing and wearing tight, sexy clothes have ceased to be an option for most folks. Working the daily grind has made it quite difficult to stay in shape these days but not at all impossible if we really put our mind to it.

Exercising consistently, every day if possible, is the most effective weapon against unsightly flab. The multiple benefits we get from regular work-outs make any questions about the value of exercise in fast-paced times like these is a no-brainer.

Aside from the ability to sport the tight clothes often featured in today's top fashion magazines and catwalks, exercising regularly also gives us a potpourri of health benefits. Lowered blood sugar and cholesterol levels, an enforced immune system, improved endurance, balance and joint strength (making us less susceptible to injury and osteoarthritis)- these are just a few of the advantages we get from staying in shape.

Making it a point to exercise everyday also does wonders for our demeanor as it promotes the release of endorphins- chemicals which give us a feeling of being content or even happy. Exercising then goes beyond physical gains and even relieves us of pent-up stress, making us feel better about life.

A well-defined, nicely toned abdomen, confidence, and a happy life- all this just by squeezing in a workout session into your daily itinerary. Folks that have hectic schedules need not worry as there are ways to intensify cardio and anaerobic workouts and shorten exercise time.

Though aerobic exercises done for extended periods have been proven to be the best for burning body fat without sacrificing glycogen needed by the muscles, most people don't have enough time to perform them each day. High intensity cardio and anaerobic exercises can be effective ways to lose weight as well.

Kicking-off an aerobic routine by doing it at a high intensity (90% of the maximum heart rate) will immediately boost the metabolism and facilitate immediate body fat burn. Shortening the periods of rest in between sets in a weightlifting session will also increase cardiovascular intensity and let you burn more calories while training for strength and muscle. The glycogen stores depleted by doing high intensity exercises can be easily replenished by eating the right foods after your workouts, so you can reap the benefits of lengthy cardio sessions in half the time. - 17269

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