Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bucks County Professionals on Lower Ab Workouts - Why This May Be Setting You Up For Failure

By Jose Loni

Are doing lower ab workouts the answer? Should we really be targeting something so specific when we train with the objective of getting ripped abs? The answer is, "no". Ripped abs are not brought about by isolation exercises as a lot of people wrongly believe. Ripped abs are revealed when the body becomes lean and loses its excess fat.

Ab machines and ab exercises promise you rock hard abs in 8-12 repetitions. Other variations of the same products claim to help you flatten your tummy in no time at all. But the fact is, they're all empty promises because spot reduction doesn't work.

Focusing your training just in the ab area will not sculpt and give you six packs. Sit-ups, crunches and lower ab exercises can strengthen and tone but they will not sculpt. The fact is, you likely won't see any visible changes.

If you really want to train your abs, work on your whole body. This can be done by doing multi joint exercise that help kick start your metabolism. By increasing your metabolism, you help your body use more calories and burn more fat.

The more large muscles you work out, the more energy is used up to fuel muscle activity. Activities like brisk walking (especially on an incline), cycling, running, lunges and squats work the large muscles so they will help you burn fat.

Interval and circuit program training also raises your metabolism by challenging and keeping your muscles in a constant state of readiness to perform at any time. These quick, intense bursts of exercises (for example, jumping jacks-brisk walking-sprinting-jogging) work muscles hard causing lactic acid and carbon dioxide buildup, which needs to be cleared. More oxygen needs to be supplied to the muscles to keep them going. This ongoing cycle enlarges the muscles causing them to use up more fat as fuel.

At the same time, the processes of clearing away lactic acid and carbon dioxide waste products and re-supplying of oxygen to nourish and replenish muscle stores require a lot of energy. These processes raise your metabolic rate, resulting in stored fat being mobilized for use.

Exercises that specifically train our abs will not work. Instead, focus on kick starting your metabolism through multi-joint exercises and interval training. By training your metabolism, you train your body to become a fat burning machine that will give your ripped hard abs. - 17269

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