Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Delicious Manner To Add More Antioxidants To Your Diet

By Robin J Hayes

Antioxidants are critical components to decent health. Happily, you can find many foods that are high in antioxidants at your supermarket in the produce aisle and at your local health food store and farmers markets.

Antioxidants are a compound found in many foods that are key to our good health. When our bodies utilize oxygen for its processes, an oxygen free radical is produced. A free radical is a molecule that is missing one or more electrons, which makes it tremendously unpredictable and harmful to our bodies. It creates inflammation, which is a source of lots of the ailments that we face. An antioxidant comes in and donates an electron thus stabilizing the molecule. In short, antioxidants moderate inflammation in our bodies.

The ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity scale is the way that antioxidant aptitude in food is calculated. The antioxidants from the food are tested to see how well it is able to deactivate free radicals in a test tube. It is then assigned a number and the higher the number the higher the antioxidant capacity of the food.

Two deliciously wonderful foods that have the highest score of tangible foods are dried, unsweetened cocoa, which chocolate is made from and the acai berry from the rainforests of Brazil. Dark chocolate that contains 60 to 70% cocoa is one of the most wonderful and satisfying health foods there is.

The acai berry is also delectable, having been described as tasting a bit like a berry dipped in dark chocolate. It is obtainable in juices, smoothie mixes and even tablets and capsules. It has only been offered throughout the world within the past few years, mostly because it is very fragile and it is only lately that processing methods have advanced to the extent that this little berry can be accessible beyond Brazil.

Another delectable way to get a nourishing dose of antioxidants is through red wine. Red wine has a high intensity of anthocyanins, which is an significant antioxidant. Anthocyanins is in fact the deep purple pigment is such foods as blueberries and red grapes. One glass of red wine each day can offer you a huge benefit when it comes to antioxidant content, however, over consumption of wine can cause troubles just as with any alcoholic drink.

Startlingly enough though, the acai berry in fact contains 10 to 30 times more anthocyanins than red wine. Anthocyanins have been demonstrated to be helpful for our cardiovascular systems along with many other advantages including possible weight loss.

You can get acai berry products as a smoothie mix, delicious juices and even capsules and pills. Consume some acai berry product every day, add in 1 ounce of high quality, dark chocolate and calm down with one glass of red wine and you will have received a beneficial amount of very important antioxidants. - 17269

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