Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Eliminate Confusion of Vitamins

By Jay NaPier

Peoeple are continuing to realize how important vitamins are to a healthy body, more important today as we have poor nutrition, junk food, and crazy off the wall diets.

When you look over the vitamin isle at the grocery story we've become inundated with vitamins, minerals, and suppliments available. There are so many that the average consumer can find it overwhelming. There's a ton of advertising hype and jargon to understand.

Thankfully, when you're got the knowledge about different vitamins and their purpose, you can make a great choice for your unique needs. While the vitamin industry has a ton of options, you should first consider things like quality, natural vs synthetic, and absorption rates.

First it's important to realize that not all vitamins are created equal. There are a great number of differences in not only the actual type of vitamin but also in the way it's manufactured and with what ingredients. For this very reason you'll want to become familiar with reading vitamin labels and know what to look for, ensuring you're not only getting your money's worth, but that you're also helping to improve your health as well.

Surprisingly enough, the United States FDA (Food and Drug Administration) does not regulate the sale or manufacture of vitamin supplements. Because of this, the familiar warning "buyer beware" should be heeded as variations in quality, price, potency, and effectiveness do exist. However, consumers needn't be completely in the dark when it comes to choosing the best vitamins for their own individual needs as there are several things to look for before buying one brand or type over another.

Getting the right information on vitmins start with the bottle, but it goes well beyond. You can't put enough information on the bottle or package. Call the company and ask the questions you have about their product. Do their have their own labs? Do they use independant labs? How do their products compare to others? Can you share the results with me? Get with people who have tried the products and try them yourself as well.

While there are some companies who use certification to show quality, you should know that these generally require a fee to that company for endorsement. You want to find out how the company takes quality and why they are different from others when it comes to quality.

Finally, you can check with your doctor or pharmacist. Get their opinion on the vitamins you choose, but also make sure they are the right expert for you. Many have very limited knowledge about nutrition and suppliments. The best way to compare is to try using the product. You should expect to feel a result in just a few days. If you don't, you might not be using the right suppliments. - 17269

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