Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Low Cost Solution To Eating Organic Food At Home

By Virginia S Froyski

Organic food has grown in popularity over the years but just at the moment you probably feel it is too expensive to buy.

What methods can you use to obtain organic food on a budget?

Well, the easiest and perhaps most practical solution is to grow your own at home.

Organic plants can be easily grown from seed using prepared compost and a little knowledge of how to keep pests under control without using chemicals.

The principal thing to remember is that you will not be able to use chemical pesticides or compost that includes chemical additives.

But this is not a problem, with the growing interest in all things organic special compost is available at most garden centres and of course manure is available in all country areas.

When it comes to pest control you need to get creative as well as attentive to the condition of your plants. A solution that is gaining more mainstream popularity is to introduce into your garden benign insects that prey on the bugs that target your crops.

Containers are so useful for introducing acid loving plants for instance to your garden, now they can also be used to separate out your organic fruits and vegetables, to give them special attention.

In this way you can provide your plants with a mini organic environment which is easily controlled and transportable too.

For those people with limited space such as a balcony containers are a great way to get in on the organic food movement.

Shopping Organically On A Budget

If you live near open country then ask around locally to see if any organic farmers will sell their produce directly to the public.

More and more farmers are producing organic crops, hopefully you can find one nearby.

Buying from local farmers is beneficial to both of you, farmers get to earn more profit than supermarkets will pay them and you get to sample some very fresh local produce.

A great thing to do in the summer months is to visit farms that let you pick your own fruit, usually you get to eat a lot whilst picking so trying out the goods in advance, organic of course!

You buy by weight and always get a good deal on price, if you go with a group of friends or family as well you can share out the produce and all profit from the day.

When you are at the farm take a look around to see what else they sell, you might get some other good deals.

You should be able to obtain organic free range eggs as well, always popular and so useful in many recipes.

I hope this article has given you a taste of how to maintain your organic lifestyle whilst keeping the cost at an affordable level. - 17269

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