Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Make These 3 Fatal Diet Mistakes and You'll Never Succeed

By Thong M. Dao

Although weight loss information is so easy to find, people always make the same mistakes with their diets. We're not talking about a little piece of chocolate cake from time to time, but mistakes that make it impossible for you to achieve your weight loss goals. Once you understand what you're doing wrong, you're one step further to lifetime weight loss.

1. The All or Nothing mental attitude. All or nothing dieters will frequently select a complex diet that's virtually impractical for them to sustain. Prior to starting, they'll explore the kitchen for whatever that doesn't match the program and throw it away in the garbage. They're trying to be the ideal dieter.

Sadly, after a couple of days or weeks, something goes wrong and they stray from their perfect diet. And it's over, they want to quit the diet altogether as it's no longer perfect! They'll buy what they threw away not long ago and start gaining back all the pounds they've lost.

If you fall into this category, you need to face some serious questions. Are you going after permanent weight loss, or temporary results that are not sustainable? What you should do is to integrate changes into your lifestyle, one step at a time for gradual weight loss.

2. The Attitude of Sacrifice. A different general error is to look at your dieting as a time period of sacrifice. You don't let yourself the food that you savor most whilst you're on your way to your aim weight. You might have an excellent dieting program and be really successful in slimming down, however what happens once you accomplish your goal?

You don't know how to control your junk food intake, so when you start, you can't stop. You should enjoy junk foods in your diet in small quantities. That way you'll more likely stick to it.

3. Goal Failure. Doable goals are what you need in your fitness program. You'd better write them down clearly. Although you know your ideal weight, if you're too far from that goal, it's useless.

A more effective goal may be to drop off 2 pounds a week for 5 weeks then 1 pound a week afterwards. A few weeks you'll drop off more and a few less, some weeks you might even gain, however if you track your progress you'll find out that ups and downs are normal and don't bar you from advancing steadily towards your major destination.

Don't worry if you're making the above mistakes. What's really important is you never quit. Learn from your mistakes and don't use them for excuses. To achieve what you want, you must commit yourself. Eating more or less some of the time is perfectly fine. Enjoy foods moderately and you're well on your way to avoid those diet mistakes. - 17269

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