Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Anti Aging Effects Of Resveratrol And The Astounding Acai Berry

By Margaret H Moore

Resveratrol is a vigorous polyphenol antioxidant that has in recent times become quite popular. Resveratrol is found in significant quantities in red wine, grape juice, grape skins and in the pigment of a lot of types of berries including blueberries, cranberries and the acai berry. Resveratrol is a polyphenol, which are great antioxidants.

In a recent Oprah Winfrey show on the effects of aging, Dr. Oz mentioned resveratrol and even recommended supplements of it. However, he also stated that as of yet there have been no controlled studies on humans and that these experiments would be a long time coming because they are testing anti-aging. He did not give direct endorsement to any product but just emphasized his belief that this powerful antioxidant has superb health promoting and anti-aging benefits.

Red wine provides a superior supply of resveratrol and it has been considered that this may be one of the central reasons for the French Paradox. The French tend to eat high-fat foods yet they also are likely to enjoy superior health including a lesser amount of cardiovascular diseases and other diseases. The reasons for this discrepancy in fitness between the French and individuals from other countries in the world have long been contemplated.

The mass of the exploration that has been conducted on resveratrol has been completed on animals and not humans. Many times when a substantial benefit is found in the animal studies it shortly translates to have a parallel consequence on humans, yet, there have yet to be studies conducted on the effects of resveratrol on humans so at this time it is still indefinite how the advantages of resveratrol will have an effect on humans.

In the investigational studies on mice, the groups that were given resveratrol were more protected from obesity and diabetes. Both obesity and diabetes are potent risk factors for cardiovascular disease. But, it is very fascinating to note that in order to attain the same levels of resveratrol that the mice were given, a human would have to consume as many as 100 to 1000 bottles of red wine on a daily basis, which is not possible not to mention that all of the advantages would be cancelled out due to the injurious effects of excessive alcohol.

Added investigation shows that resveratrol could be valuable in reducing inflammation and blood clotting, both of which can be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. More study is needed to know if this antioxidant was responsible for the reduced risk or if it could be another factor or combination of factors.

There have been no technical studies on humans; still at this time many experts tend to think that supplementing with resveratrol can be advantageous. You can take a supplement and you can also get a supply of resveratrol from wholesome foods in a wholesome food intake

Red wine, grape juice, grapes, blueberries and acai berry products all have nourishing amounts of resveratrol as well as a host of other synergistic and positive nutrition. A beneficial diet that includes these wholesome foods can be extremely helpful. - 17269

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