Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Dangers Regarding GMO Food

By Lee Jacobs

GMO food is food which has been genetically modified. GMO actually stands for: Genetically Modified Organism. When it first hit the news headlines some years ago, GMO foods caused quite a stir. At first glance GMO foods may have seemed to be a good thing. The intentions behind GMO foods are essentially noble. Its aim is basically to increase crop yields, make them easier to grow, and less susceptible to attacks etc by pests. But do we really know what is going on behind the scenes? Do we really know what is happening all over the world and what the true dangers are? It's time we sat down and looked at the bigger picture, and, hand in hand with our dietary requirements, we need to make individual assessments as to whether this direction best suits our needs.

The truth of the matter is that the food chain is a crucial component of our environment. Mankind has become very adept scientifically and we are now able to affect so many of the things around us (including our selves) since unlocking the secrets DNA and gene modification. But does it give us the right to play God? The problem is that if you believe in a God, you believe in an ll knowing and all powerful being, but Mankind is neither. If we dabble with nature, do we fully understand the "knock-on" effects? How will the changes we make to a grain of wheat affect the chickens that feed on it, or the parasites that attack it? Until we fully understand all of the ramifications in what we are doing, should we allow ourselves to proceed?

One of the hallmarks of the crops that we grow for our food supplies is that there is high diversity. Not only is this good for choice and personal preference, but it is also a system for protecting the many. In the same way that fish form a shoal, so that when a predator attacks just a few are sacrificed but the large majority escape unscathed, diversity works in the same way with disease and pestilence. It may attack and destroy one strain of a crop, but the others are not affected. But if we genetically modify the strains so that there are only one or two left; what could happen then? Potential disaster! And then, in an effort to avert such a disaster, we may be tempted to begin developing herbicides and pesticides again, and we are back to square one.

Another concern that many doubters about GMO food is that it has the propensity to breed super weeds! Nothing in nature stays stagnant and we can expect that breeding very hardy vegetables and plants will result in weeds that are similarly tough and hardy. The issue is that what GMO foods will stay static, these weeds will continue to develop. Farmers and other food producers will start to use more intense herbicides to take care of these super weeds, and with that in mind, we will see a lot more herbicides in our food and even in our water supply!

So as you can see, the GMO food issue is a complicated affair. One thing above all else is crystal clear. Before we go any further with GMP foods, we must have a comprehensive testing mechanism in place to answer the question posed above. Then and only then will it be safe to consider going ahead. - 17269

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