Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Why So Many Are Fascinated With The Amazon Acai Berry

By Franco Rios

So what is the acai berry and what makes it so popular with a growing number of health conscious individuals? Before we explain why this newfound fruit has become one of America's favorite new choices in healthy supplements, let's define what it is.

The acai fruit is not only popular for being rich in vitamins and minerals, but it has become known as one of the latest super foods to hit the market. More companies are now coming on board with their own unique blends.

Lately, mainstream media has picked up on the popularity and growing interest in acai and have invited experts on the subject to appear on their television shows. For example, Oprah once devoted a segment to the health benefits of taking acai when she invited Dr. Oz as a guest on her show to explain what acai berries really are.

So where is this all heading? Now that the public at large is familiar with acai berry and all of its health benefits, mainstream companies are now jumping on the bandwagon to produce their own version of the berry. This is evident in many grocery stores throughout the country which now stock acai juice for consumers.

The acai fruit is one of the most interesting organic fruits to recently be discovered. It may also been one of the world's healthiest in terms of the benefits that one can gain. Presently, research suggests that it contains the natural qualities of a super-food and thus, can be used as a supplement to help assist the body in recovering from a large number of chronic health problems.

Some of the more commonly reported results from taking acai regularly include the following:

* More energy and less fatigue

* A boost of energy

* Improved digestion and regular bowel movements

* An improved cardiovascular system

* Healthier looks skin, hair and nails

* Relief from chronic allergies

* A better sense of well-being.

This list is not all-inclusive but rather reflects the actual experiences that many are reporting from using acai. Others are reporting similar health experiences while taking acai as an antioxidant supplement.

It is obvious that a diet rich in antioxidants helps to promote a healthy life. Eating certain types of fruits and vegetables is key factor in getting the right level of antioxidants in your system. In either case, you should seek to maintain a state of health that consists of getting the essential amino acids, vitamins and mineral either as a supplement or through natural foods.

By getting the recommended allowances of foods rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, you give your immune system the strength it needs to fight off diseases, quickly repair damaged cells and tissues and keep you in a state of well-being.

When you combine organic foods such as berries, broccoli, tomatoes, red grapes, garlic, spinach, tea, carrots, soy and whole grain, along with a vitamin supplement containing C and E, you stand a very good chance of living a healthy lifestyle. Of course, this is by no means an excuse for not exercising! Some form of physical fitness should be a pat of your life as well. - 17269

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