Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Facts You Should Know About Bodybuilding Supplements, Creatine

By Ricardo d Argence

Creatine is pretty far from being a drug or steroid of any type. As a matter of fact it's actually made by our own bodies in the course of nature. This is really a conglomeration of three different amino acids known as glycine, arginine, and methionine. Normally we get creatine from our diets, and the creatine that we store is kept within our muscles.

Using creatine, your body will be able to handle high intensity workouts with relative ease. You will be able to perform a great workout, and your muscles will not be quite as sore when you are done. They will recover and regenerate quickly, and it will lower the volume of lactic acids which end up being accumulated throughout exercise.

While it is quite possible to derive creatine from your diet, that doesn't mean it's a bad idea to take creatine supplements to get more of it. You have to remember to do that within reason, and if you do it right you will not get quite as sore and you will recover faster. This means that you will be able to exercise quite a bit more. Those who seek to build up their bodies will find this to be especially helpful.

How does it do this? A substance called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP for short, simply sits in your muscles waiting for you to need it. When you need it, it is provided quickly and instantaneously, which accounts for the "explosive" benefit it gives muscles, in that you can do very intense workouts almost instantaneously.

After ingestion creatine is transformed into creatine phosphate, which replenishes ATP in muscles. Throughout exercise routines and workouts, ATP is turned into adenosine diphosphate which is also known as ADP.

That is how creatine functions in your favor. What it does is replenish the phosphate molecule that you've lost so that your reserves of ATP are full and ready to be used whenever you need them. Creatine will help lengthen your workout times and provide you greater results.

As with anything though, there are some disadvantages to using creatine, one of which is that water will be retained in your muscles. This means that if you want to keep your body hydrated and get water to other organs in your body, you will have to drink more water than usual when you are using a creatine supplement.

Creatine will give you the ability to exercise to your full potential and will help you to develop your muscles at an increased rate. You won't be as sore after your workouts, and this means that you can get back to is sooner than normal.

However, it has some drawbacks. You will gain weight because you will be retaining water in your muscles. It's not really a bad thing, just be prepared for higher numbers on the scale. In addition, if you're not careful, you can experience dehydration and related side effects like nausea, vomiting or even seizures. Also, if you have kidney problems, you shouldn't take creatine; it can place greater stress on your kidneys.

And, how important is a good diet? Simply put, no matter the supplements you take, your body's not going to function right and your workouts aren't going to be as effective or as efficient if you don't eat right.

Regardless of how much creatine that you take, it won't make any difference at all if your diet is just junk food. Make sure that your diet is made up of complex caps, lean proteins, and fruits and vegetables. This will help you to maximize your workout and make sure that you are getting everything that you need.

Muscles need a place to start, and that's why diet is so important. Make sure that your diet consists of adequate lean proteins like lean meats, fish, complex carbs, and lots of other things.

Using these guidelines, creatine will help raise the efficiency of your workouts, and your muscle mass will increase so long as you do it right. - 17269

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