Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Perfect Acai - Do They Live Up to Their Name?

By Travis Van Slooten

After reading this Perfect Acai review, you will see why this is a supplement that should be on your short list of acai supplements. When you step into the acai berry supplement market, you are wading into a cesspool of scams and inferior products. One way to avoid falling for one of the frauds is to go with an established brand like Perfect Acai. So what makes this supplement better than most?

The Acai Berry

First and foremost, you have to understand a few basic facts about acai berry so that you know what to look for. The science behind acai berry is simple. It is considered a "super fruit" akin to cranberries and avocados. The berry is packed full of nutritional value and antioxidants. The berry is almost disproportionally healthy. It's a small fruit roughly the size of a grape, but with many times the beneficial properties. But this does come with some drawbacks. In order to maintain its healthy properties, the berry must be consumed or freeze-dried within about 24 hours of being picked. Because of this, many Americans will never get fresh acai berries without booking a flight to Brazil. But you can get the next closest thing if you know what to look out for.

What to Avoid

In the acai supplements market, scams can be found everywhere. Smart consumers can spot one a mile away but those who are just trying out health supplements should be more careful. By all means, avoid free trials. Another thing you should also look closely into is the quality. The acai may be very promising, but you may not realize these potential health benefits if you get a supplement that's just full of additives like sugars and caffeine. Always check the label for the list of ingredients. You'll find that Perfect Acai only has 100% pure acai in it.

Another product to avoid is an extract. The acai berry is healthy in its entirety, so why would you want to take an extract of only part of the fruit? Perfect Acai offers the entire fruit of the acai berry and all of its benefits. Well, they don't process the entire berry, but that is a good thing. Some companies will include the seed in their acai supplement. While the seed is harmless, it composes a majority of the acai berry and has no nutritional value. This means you are getting half the benefit for the full price. Perfect Acai gives you only pure acai berry fruit, so you get the most bang for your buck.

The Product You Want to Buy

Acai distributors and users who are in the know are well aware that the only acceptable method of processing acai that retains the nutrients while at the same time making the products travel-worthy is freeze drying. Studies show that freeze dried acai supplements have 50 times more antioxidants than those which have undergone spray drying.

And what is spray drying? It is another process that may be used to preserve acai. Unlike freeze drying that uses low temperatures however, spray drying uses heat to remove the moisture from the fruit, thereby removing its nutrients in the process. The product is also sprayed with the polysaccharide maltodextrin which is taken in the body as glucose. What companies with substandard products typically do is to keep silent on their manufacturing method. To be sure that the acai brand you are getting is using the freeze drying technique, check to see it says so in the label. From harvesting to processing, Perfect Acai uses only the freshest berries and the methods to ensure the highest standard of their supplements. And all this information is contained in Perfect Acai's product package. No need to hide anything.

Perfect Acai doesn't stop at making their supplement top quality. The devil is in the details, after all. Most companies package their supplements in gelatin capsules which are often made from cowhide! Not only is this unacceptable to vegetarians, but many people can have allergies to these capsules. Perfect Acai uses capsules made from an easily-digestible vegetable cellulose.

When you are deciding which acai berry supplement company to go with, you need to take many things into consideration. You first have to know what to avoid so you don't get scammed. Then, you need to know the details so you can buy the acai supplement which is best for you. When all things are considered, Perfect Acai stands at the top by offering a superior product for a competitive price. - 17269

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