Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

George Washington Weight Loss Expert Challenges Weight Loss Myths

By Josef Brandenburg

The myth that Weight loss is the game of numbers has been taken on by an expert in the field of weight loss. This expert from the George Washington University tells us that for years we have been made to believe that weight loss means loss of body fat. It is a popular myth that loosing weight will automatically make you look good in a bikini. For instance, a beach ball is much lighter than a base ball, but which one would you want your body to be like, soft and pliable like a beach ball or harder and firmer like a baseball?

The truth about looking good and being healthy is less about how much you weigh and more about what comprises that weight. You can be 150 pounds but have 50% body fat and you can rest assured you will not look great naked! People have been so misled when it comes to weight loss that they will try unimaginable things just to get the scales lower. Thankfully, a George Washington weight loss expert has uncovered the truth about how to lose weight effectively.

It is completely true that the muscle mass determines the metabolic rate of ones body and in turn decides how you look in your swimsuit. Most of the weight loss plans make you weigh less on the scales, however one might not be sure whether it is muscles loss or fat loss. This is a very fundamental mistake which needs to be corrected. One should not loose muscle mass as it helps in burning more calories and makes you look much more fitter in shorts than the fat would. If you loose fat, for example five pounds and in turn gain equal pounds of muscle mass then it would appear as if you have lost 10 pounds, but the weighing scale would not show weight loss.

In case you want effective weight loss my advice would be to follow the instructions of the weight loss experts from the George Washington weight loss centers. These weight loss experts advise their clients to measure their body composition, which can be done with a simple tape privately in your home. All you have to do is measure yourself regularly. Keep an eye on the inch loss rather than a drop on the scales.

If one loses one inch from the waist, it means that four-five pounds of the body fat has been lost in men and three to four pounds of fat has been lost in women. Your target should be to lose inches uniformly from all over the body while maintaining your weight. Start working towards building muscle mass after you are done measuring all the areas first. To start with women can measure their thighs, hips and waist, whereas only waist measurements are required for men. This is because men tend to put on weight around the waist. Measurements for ladies should be taken carefully as per the instructions given below:

*Hips- standing with your feet about hips width apart measure around the largest part of your backside

*Thighs- Make a mark six inches above your knee and take the measurement around the thigh at this point.

*Waist- Position the tape so that it hits you at the naval, then mark the numbers.

Ensure that the measurements are taken on a particular day of every week. Also, to ensure accurate results, you should visit the restroom before measurements are taken. This type of measurement will indicate actual fat loss and this practice is followed by almost all of the weight loss centers in the George Washington area. - 17269

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