Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Gym Injuries, Tips To Avoid Them

By Ricardo d Argence

Listen, if you want to get big, you have to train big. Entering the gym and simply going through the motions without a sweat just isn't going to get the job done. You have to overload those muscles with heavy weight and high intensity if you want to see real results. This is without a doubt the most effective means of stimulating muscular growth. Muscles grow due to a natural adaptive survival response, and if you don't give them a damn good reason to grow, well, they won't.

If you don't take care of your muscles you will never succed in bodybuilding. And an injury is the last thing you need. In this article, you will find the 5 golden rules to avoid injuries during your training.

1) Always perform a thorough warmup. A proper warmup is the single best thing you can do to minimize your risk of injury. This simple 15-20 minute process will prepare your mind and body for the hard work to come by increasing blood flow into the surrounding connective tissue and by lubricating your joints. I would recommend that you perform 5 minutes of light cardiovascular exercise before each workout followed by 4-5 warmup sets for your first major exercise of the routine.

2) Make sure that you are doing it right. Ask someone if you don't know the right technique for a proper bench press or any other form of workout. Besides, if you're doing the exercise wrong, you'll probably end up stressing your joints making you more vulnerable to injuries. For example, when you are lifting up the dumbbells, you should never lower them with a jerk, since that easily result in tearing of the ligaments.

3) Compete only with yourself. There may be a lot of huge guys in your gym. If you try to compete with them, if you want to train in the same way that them...it's a sure thing that you'll get an injurie. There'll be a time when you'll be able to do that, until that time, the record you have to beat is your own record.

4) Always know when to quit. If you cannot complete another rep of an exercise using proper form, the set is over, plain and simple. Put the weight down and rest up for your next set. If you start using huge amounts of momentum and jerky body motions to crank out a couple of extra reps, you'll be on the sidelines before you know it.

5) Watch out for a probable sign of a forthcoming injury. You must stop if you feel pain after your workout. Take som rest for some couple of days, or the time it takes for the pain to disappear.

More often than not, it will only get worse. If you feel that something definitely isn't right and can sense that you probably shouldn't be training, get the problem checked out by a professional and then take the proper measures to heal. While it may hurt your progress in the short term, the overall long-term effect will be a positive one. - 17269

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