Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, July 10, 2009

Learn To Stay Healthy With A Periodic Colon Cleanse

By Case Todd

Body detoxification is an important factor to living health. Keeping your system clean of toxins and poisons that build up over time is the key to maintaining optimal health. This all starts in the colon or digestive tract where most toxins build up and over time are released in the bloodstream to other parts of the body.

How can your body become contaminated with dangerous levels of toxins? There are a lot of environmental influences. Some stem from pollutants in the air caused by industrial plants and automobile pollutions while others originate from the food we consume.

Pesticides and other harmful chemicals used to treat bugs and rodents often find there way into our digestive tract through the foods we eat. When you combine that with the numerous additives and food preservers used in the process of food, it is easy to see how these poisons and chemicals enter the body.

When the body goes without a complete cleansing, these toxins eventually clog the intestinal wall with plaque and cause poison to enter the circulatory system where they can start damaging vital organs. The liver and kidneys are especially at risk.

When the body reaches a state of high toxicity, the immune system will become weakened making it easier for you to contract certain types of life-threatening diseases. Keeping your colon clean can prevent this from occurring.

Think of the colon as a waste processing plant. If the plant breaks, an entire city or county can be at risk of dangerous bacteria and chemicals entering and contaminating its drinking water supply. In like manner you want your colon processing optimally to keep the rest of your function system germ and toxin free.

How can you tell if you require a colon cleanse? There several signs to look for. The most common is feeling like you don't have any energy or strength. This is very typical of a toxic digestive tract. Stomach cramps accompanied with long term bloating can be another signal.

People suffering with high levels of toxicity often report felling low on energy all the time for no apparent reason. Some people become more susceptible to colds and flu or experience outbreaks of allergic reactions.

How do you safely clean your colon for maximum health? Colon health starts with maintenance and prevention. Detoxification is a process that eliminates undesired chemicals and toxins from the body, mainly the colon. There are a lot safe products on the market that can assist with the process of purging the intestinal wall.

Some detox products are all-natural with a rich blend of herbs and spices specially formulated to detoxify the body while other treatments may involve a more clinical approach such as colon hydrotherapy. Drinking plenty of water, eating foods high in fiber and consuming large amounts of fresh produce can eliminate poisons from the colon and detoxify the body. - 17269

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