Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Simple Science Behind How A Bread Maker Works

By Chris Channing

Technology is great, considering that today we don't have to spend the long hours kneading and baking bread in order to get the taste of fresh bread. Instead we can use a machine that does all the hard work for us- but how exactly does the machine operate, and how easy is it to use?

We didn't always have bread makers around to do the work for us. It was once required that we had to take several hours to prepare, bake, and cool the bread by our own account. Today we have the power of smart electrical circuits that can make actual decisions to do the job without much interference- allowing you to relax as the bread machine does the majority of the work.

The most strength-intensive part of making bread was once kneading it. Getting the dough to the right consistency involved a little elbow grease, as the dough's viscosity became increasingly harder to work with. Bread machines today will instead do the hard work for you and only require that you put in the ingredients in which it will knead. In the end you save effort and time and let technology take care of it.

The rising of the bread is the next point of concern with the machine. Rising bread is done through increasing the temperature of the environment around the dough- which the machine will do automatically. The rising process should not require any interaction from the cook at this point. Once fully raised, the dough is then able to be baked until ready for cooling.

The temperature is again raised for the cooking process. This time you actually tell the bread maker how long you want the bread to bake, since it would be impossible for the machine to determine this. Look in your recipe book to see what baking times you need and program it in before going about the baking process. The machine should automatically quit at the timer, and pause itself as it allows the bread to finally cool in the end.

Baking a good loaf of bread doesn't require that you buy the most expensive machine you can find. Instead, you need only to find a machine that is moderately priced and has good reviews among others. The price should be easily justified once you see how easy the baking process truly is. And once you start baking your own bread regularly, you can save money on food costs from that point forward.

Closing Comments

You won't have to conduct your search long to find a bread maker that would suit you. Many retail stores stock them, from cooking stores to department stores. For the best selection you can go online to see how much the bread maker is going to cost you and to compare. - 17269

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