Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, August 14, 2009

Top 10 Benefits that Make Acai a Sure Winner

By George Alarcon

The benefits of the Acai berry are simply outstanding. They contain ten times the antioxidants of grapes and two times the antioxidants of blueberries. The latest craze over the Acai berry is not without justice. They are naturally rich in amino acids, electrolytes, proteins, omega fats, and several vitamins. This wonder food grows in the rainforest of Brazil where it is used in a variety of dishes. Outside of its native country it is more difficult to find the Acai berry in its natural state as a fruit, but the benefits have been extracted from it and are often available in juices and pill form. Here are simply a few of the top benefits from the Acai Berry.

1. Acai berries give people increased energy and strength without suffering through the crashing side effect that follows from coffee and artificial energy drinks.

Weight loss seems to be the an important reason why most people seek out these little berries. The essential fatty acids and amnio acids that work together to help your body function and burn fat more efficiently.

3. Acai berries provide increased energy. As a source of protein, the berry increases energy.

4. Acai Berries do not just strengthen the heart muscle, but all the muscles and bones in the body. In case of an injury, Acai can reduce recovery time and help the body to heal more fully.

The Acai Berry also has a large amount of fiber, therfore it not only helps digestion, but also is very good for helping to detox the body.

6. Acai berries improve digestion. The high fiber and Omega fatty acids contained in the berries expel toxins and break down food in the digestive system.

Many health professionals have also noted that Acai Berry can diminish a great number of free radicals the body has in the blood stream, thus making it very capable of slowing down the physical aging process.

8. Acai berries improve heart health. The acai berry contains fatty acids that help keep good cholesterol high and bad cholesterol low. The presence of beta-sistosterol in acai berries prevents cholesterol from depositing at the heart.

9. The digestive system is improved by regular consumption of Acai.

10. Acai Berries provide relief to those who suffer from headaches and dizziness, be it frequent or occasional suffering.

The benefits of the Acai berry are not limited to what is on this list. Other benefits include improved vision, enhanced sexual function, and an improved sleep cycle. Acai can help promote a normal blood sugar level naturally for diabetics, and it can reduce the effects of menopause for aging women. It also fights against arthritis and relieves symptoms for those who are already suffering. The Acai berry is a miracle fruit that simply promotes the overall wellness of the body. - 17269

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