Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, August 17, 2009

What Do You Know About Antioxidants?

By Tina Peters

The term, 'antioxidants' will be familiar to anyone who spends time reading up on their health and ways in which to preserve youth and looks. They will also have heard of another well used term, 'free radicals.' which are implicated in the degeneration of health and the structural breakdown of our physical form.

Scientific research shows that the body works in different ways during the course of its lifetime. While we are young, our bodies are growing and utilize nutrients from food and the environment to construct and renew itself. Puberty and young adulthood indicate that the body is preparing itself for the tasks it expects to undertake in life such as producing offspring and working to provide a living for a family.

When we reach our early to mid twenties, our bodies reach a peak in rejuvenating capabilities. From this point onwards the process of decline through aging begins. There is no static point at which aging starts neither is there a hard and fast rule as to how quickly or slowly the aging process takes place. It is possible to use antioxidants to delay the onset of aging and to maintain the optimum performance of youth. Antioxidants confront free radicals in the system and reduce or prevent their degenerative effect on the body.

We may be able to stay fitter and younger looking for longer if we avail ourselves in a diet that is rich in antioxidants. We should also refrain from a lifestyle that promotes the destructive activity of free radicals. The body has the ability to produce its own antioxidants but as we get older this capability gradually deteriorates. Fortunately, we can take in antioxidants from external sources. This is primarily from food and from exposure to health giving elements in the natural environment.

If you want to benefit from a diet that is richest in antioxidants, there are a few measures you can take. The bulk of your intake should be brightly cooked fruits and vegetables. Wherever possible, ensure that this food is raw or lightly cooked at best. This will ensure that you get good supplies of vitamins A,C and E which are all active sources of antioxidants. It is also important to reduce exposure to free radical promoting elements. These include foods with refined starches and sugars and over reliance on de-hulled wheat products. Smoking, caffeine and alcohol are also implicated. - 17269

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