Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, September 4, 2009

How Diet and Exercise Effects Fibromyalgia

By Christian Goodman

I have spent a considerable amount of time and research related to ones diet and how it can affect health. In fact, Ive written several articles on diet as it relates to specific illnesses.

Since, there is not much research when it comes to diet and fibromyalgia. I have focused primarily on the feedback I have received from my clients.

My program has shown them the most hope to alleviating their Fibromyalgia symptoms, many, if not most, stated that a change in diet was also key.

Fibromyalgia is a disease which affects both the muscles and connective tissues. Its main symptoms are chronic pain in addition to the extreme pain when touched even gently.

Other symptoms include: extreme fatigue, sleep disturbances including bruxism (tooth grinding), difficulty breathing and difficulty swallowing.

Fibromyalgia has also had a long history of not being accepted as an actual medical condition by many doctors. Many times my clients have written telling me their doctor told them, Its all in your head.

Thats an infuriating thing to read, let alone hear in person from a doctor who is supposed to care. Recent studies imply that could actually be the key. While no known organic cause can be found, many are now starting to believe that fibromyalgia is a psychological condition.

Thats not to say these are imaginary symptoms of pain. The same research also indicates that those who suffer from fibromyalgia have a heightened sense of pain, meaning, for those who normally dont register stimuli as pain, you will register it if you suffer from fibromyalgia.

It follows a pretty common sense approach as far as diet goes. The main foods to avoid are: chocolate, coffee, alcohol, foods high in salt, fried foods, high fat foods, white flour or sugar, carbonated drinks, Nutrasweet or saccharine and tobacco (although not technically a food).

Keep in mind that this is a preventative approach " avoid foods that can further stifle an already suppressed immune system (like alcohol). Stay away from high fat foods which are known to cause lethargy. Avoid fried and high salt foods which can cause the body to swell, and lead to further pain.

Breathing and relaxation exercises are also recommended. Be careful though, with exercise. Overdoing it can actually trigger painful symptoms. I highly recommend my Fibromyalgia program. Its results have been amazing!

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