Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Eating is the Key to Build Muscle Mass

By Ricardo d Argence

Now that you have decided to bulk up with additional muscle mass you must have a plan that works. Weight training is essential if you want to add muscle to your body. What is not as obvious to most people is the need for correct, healthy eating. It takes healthy nutrition to build the muscles that you want.

You can use this brief guide to learn what you need to add to your diet. First let?s review the basics for a sensible diet that will help you build muscle mass quickly.

Firstly to build muscle eat more often. Try to eat 5-7 smaller meals every day. This is due to the fact that your body needs excess calories to support muscle growth and build muscle.

There is no way that your body can build muscle if you are not providing enough calories. Making the jump from 3-4 meals to 5-7 is easier to do if the meals are slightly smaller, but still nutritionally rich. Then you are fueling your body but you are not stuffing yourself to the point of being uncomfortable.

You should get rid of any junk food that is still a part of your eating habits. Many people have a junk food addiction and it can be hard to break, but this is necessary if you are serious about being able to successfully build muscle size and strength.

Thirdly, you will need to drink a good deal more water than you had been doing before. try to keep a bottle of water to hand at all times, perhaps leave one in your car. nearly all reactions in the body require water to some degree and that includes muscle building reactions also.

Make sure that your daily meals contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates. All of these nutrients are necessary when you are trying to build more muscle mass. Your usual meal should contain at least 30% protein and 50-60% carbohydrates. The additional 10-20% should be from healthy fats.

Fifthly, you need to learn what foods you should be eating for muscle growth. Here is a start to illustrate what some of the best muscle building foods are:

Proteins. Lean Meats such as turkey, chicken and certain red meats, dairy products, seafood and eggs

Be aware that these are high in saturated fat so you would be wise to mix them with the following foods that supply protein but with much less fat: Egg whites, Lean meats like poultry and fish, Non-fat or low-fat milk and dairy products (skim milk and cottage cheese are terrific foods), Turkey breast, Lean cuts of red meat and skinless chicken breast.

If you feel the need for a quick burst of energy you can eat some fresh fruit (apples, raisins, figs, citrus or grapes) or drink one of the sports drinks with high amounts of carbs and proteins.

You do not have to concentrate on the fats that your body needs. If you are eating plenty of foods that are rich in carbs and protein you will satisfy the fat requirement for muscle building success. Do not overlook the importance of veggies. Yellow vegetables and leafy green veggies contain important nutrients and vitamins. If you can afford a muscle building supplement you may want to add this to your diet. You can get one that contains all of your vitamin needs in addition to the essential fatty acids, proteins and creatine that help you bulk up quickly.

Finally a few words regarding the timing of your meals. To build muscle eat within one hour of finishing your workout, before bed and immediately on rising. If you wish to pack on muscle mass then these are very important times. With the above muscle building diet guidelines in place then you are in an excellent position to start building muscle mass fast. - 17269

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