Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Guide to Building Muscle Quickly to Increase Your Bench Press

By Ricardo d Argence

It is well known that the bench press is one of the ideal exercises to build up muscle in the upper body. A common question that many bodybuilders want to find out is how much you can bench press. Let us get to the point and see how to build up muscle and get a larger bench press.

Develop your triceps. Almost two thirds of the total muscle mass on your arms is comprised of the triceps muscle. Strengthening your triceps is very beneficial to increasing your bench press. Some excellent exercises that will help build muscle mass on your triceps are using both barbells and dumbbells and doing close grip bench-presses as well as skull crushers. Do not do exercises that just isolate the muscle because they are not good, as they will isolate the muscle completely. Working your triceps will certainly assist in adding weight to your bench press.

Train your triceps separately. Most of the time, bodybuilding routines advise that you train the chest in the same training session as the triceps. If you train them separately, you can focus on the triceps, train them intensely, and build up muscle growth faster. Try this over a spell of a few weeks, and then see how many more kilograms you are able to bench press.

Variety. Have you been repeating the same old workout for months? After your muscles have done the same workout a few times, they have already adapted to it and therefore the need to grow has been removed. Keep changing things, they can be subtle changes like altering the grip width or reversing the order of your routine or they can be larger changes like doing super sets, compound sets and so on, these will give you a real pump by the way.

Do not over do it. Most of the time more is better, but in regards to muscle building that is not the truth at all. If you over do it and over train your chest, then you will find it difficult to recover and to grow further. Instead, focus on intensity, technique, and not quantity. A short vigorous workout is much more effective than a long one.

Rest well. Your muscles will not be growing at the gym! You need to be getting a good amount of rest, as muscles will grow as you are resting. If you do not give enough time for growing then they will not grow. A good rule to set is to is to limit yourself to 6-9 sets per session for each muscle group otherwise, you will risk overtraining.

Take a break from training. If you reach a training plateau, then think about taking a total break. Let your body completely recover from all the strains, come back to your exercises a week or so later, and be even more motivated.

Look at your diet. Are you eating 6 meals a day with a minimum of 1 gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight you have? If you are not, then you are most likely limiting your gains by not following a muscle building diet. Following a proper muscle building diet is essential in building muscle mass, so in every meal try to consume 50% carbohydrates, 30% proteins, and the rest can include fats.

Focus on your technique. Are you pressing correctly. Poor technique can shift the focus away from the chest muscles and can also put you at increased risk of injury. Ensure you are not moving your feet up off the floor and that your hands are not grasping the bar too closely together, these are two easy and often made errors.

By sticking to the tips above you will be greatly increasing your chance to develop more muscle mass on your chest quickly. - 17269

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