Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, October 19, 2009

Learn The Secrets Of The Super Ripped And Gain Lean Muscle Mass Fast

By Ryan M Hall

The secret to gain lean muscle mass fast is what everybody wants to know. Whether you're a beginner or you've been "hitting the gym" for years, this secret is what most of us search for. The muscle building secrets that those super ripped people keep, those people that can gain 10 lbs of muscle in just a few weeks like it's cake, are not as closely held as many of us think. It is really a matter of knowing how to find them. Below I reveal several secrets that will help you gain lean muscle mass fast.

Workout Intensely, But Keep It Short:

If you exercise your muscles intensely (keep a high intensity throughout the workout) but don?t overwork them, you will force the muscle to get bigger, but not make them so exhausted that you slow the healing process.

Consume Both Protein and Carbohydrates:

Do not cut carbohydrates, especially post workout. Your muscles need both carbs and protein in order to heal after each exercise. Give your muscles the fuel they so desperately need, especially immediately after you get out of the gym.

Do Compound Exercises:

Doing compound exercises instead of isolation exercises allows you to work all of your major muscle groups at once without spending too much time focusing on one single muscle group the way isolation exercises do. This way you get a total body workout in much less time.

Choose Free Weights:

When you use free weights, you have to work extra hard because you are forced to stabilize the weights as you perform each exercise. This isn't always the case with machines that lock you into one position. This extra stabilization effort will surprise you in how much you can gain from it.

Stick To Water:

You have to be hydrated if you want your muscles to get bigger. Be sure that you drink plenty of water while building muscle so that your body has the water it needs to lubricate your joints and rebuild your muscles.

You don't have to waste money on miracle muscle pills to gain lean muscle mass fast. Just follow these easy steps and get a good plan and your time at the gym will give you much better results. - 17269

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