Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, October 18, 2009

5 Hidden Sources Of Weight Gain

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you incessantly check your weight, you may be losing motivation very quickly. Keep in mind, however, that even though your weight may be going up, you could be making substantial progress in the right direction.

In fact, many women actually gain weight while losing fat when just starting off with an exercise program. Especially if there is a lot of resistance training involved. Why does this happen? Because of H20.

You probably know that water can do this. But do you know how the water is getting into your system? Let me shed some light by providing 5 hidden sources of weight gain:

1. Food. If you started exercising a lot, you may be eating more. This is normal. And food has weight. So if you eat a big meal, expect an immediate increase in weight. Now if the food is loaded with sodium, you could easily gain a couple pounds very quickly.

2. Everything carb. Your body needs carbs, there is NO way around this. The brains preferred source of fuel is glucose-a simple carbohydrate. And in order for your body to take in carbs it also needs water. How much? For every one part of carb it needs 3 parts water.

3. Salt. We all know that salt can increase water retention. But what most women fail to realize is just how much water they can potentially retain-they usually drastically underestimate. The next time you eat a fast food meal or a big meal at a restaurant, notice how much water you HAVE to drink in order to quench your thirst.

4. Taking a bath. Your skin is a big organ and it can do many things including suck up water. This is one of the main reasons many clueless athletes fail to make their weigh ins. Does this mean you should stop bathing? I'll leave that one up to you!

5. Resistance training. When you lift weights, your muscles develop a heightened ability to suck in carbohydrates. And remember that carbohydrates bring a lot water to the party. So please don't freak out if you notice an almost instant increase in weight from resistance training. Stick with it, in the long run you'll be much better off.

The take home point here is to NOT obsess over the weight scale readings. I see far too many women get discouraged because they are gaining weight. Only if they knew that they were also losing fat! - 17269

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