Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Don't Just Trust Any Company! Know Where to Buy Acai Berry

By Travis Van Slooten

If you're just trying out acai supplements for the first time, you may not know where to buy acai berry. It's good that you have taken the time to read this post first because you should know that not all sources of acai are reliable. There are those sites which sell low-quality acai. While they are cheaper than top quality ones, these inferior products give you little nutritional value for the amount you're paying. And then there are those promoters which are plain scam companies. Still, there are also many decent companies selling acai berry which give the right bang for your buck, even assisting the locals in the Brazilian jungles who serve as their acai harvesters.

The Product

When searching for acai berry supplements, ensure that it is made from berry that was organically grown. To reap the full benefits of the berry, search for companies that cultivate and harvest without chemicals or fertilizers. No matter how reputable the company is, or how affordable the product might be, it is important to search for an organic product. Acai berry is healthy as is, and there is no need to alter it in any way to enjoy the benefits.

THe next piece of info you should extract is how the acai was processed. If the words spray dried appear on the packaging, it is advisable to find another brand. Spray-dried acai is achieved using a substance known as maltodextrin, which the body processes as sugar. Spray drying also subjects acai to very high temperatures, hence, a significant amount of nutritional value is lost. What you should look for are acai berry supplements that have been freeze dried.

Knowing the Company

You can't ask where to buy acai berry without considering the company. Since acai berry is such a hot product, there are an unfortunately large number of people out there with less than great business morals who are looking to get you to buy into their product. Some of these companies are outright scams, while others are just looking to sell you their product and charge you for additional things you never wanted. Always make sure the company you choose has readily available contact information and a background of their business posted. If the company looks unprofessional, they probably are.

A good company is one that sells only top quality acai berry products with no strings attached. They should clearly state their contact information and their location. And it's always a good idea to go with a company that gives back. Some companies help to support the local workforce where the acai berry is harvested. Since it is only grown in Brazil, you want to make sure that the company you choose is not abusing the labor in the area. If you're searching for where to buy acai berry, these few simple guidelines should offer you a better chance at finding a reputable company to buy your supplement from. - 17269

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